MRS Meetings and Events


SF10.03.03 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Spin Hall Effect Driven Spin Transport at Two-Dimensional Conducting SrTiO3 Surface

When and Where

May 9, 2022
5:00pm - 7:00pm

Hawai'i Convention Center, Level 1, Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2 & 3



Mi-Jin Jin1,2,Doo-Seung Um3,Kohei Ohnish4,Sachio Komori1,Nadia Stelmashenko1,Daeseong Choe5,Jung-Woo Yoo5,Jason Robinson1

University of Cambridge1,Institute for Basic Science2,Sejong University3,Kyushu University4,Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology5


Mi-Jin Jin1,2,Doo-Seung Um3,Kohei Ohnish4,Sachio Komori1,Nadia Stelmashenko1,Daeseong Choe5,Jung-Woo Yoo5,Jason Robinson1

University of Cambridge1,Institute for Basic Science2,Sejong University3,Kyushu University4,Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology5
The field of spintronics now goes beyond the injection and detection of electron spins, and expands and diversifies into new opportunities such as spin-caloritronics of spin and magnon, spin-orbitronics using spin orbital coupling, and spinterface using spin at the material interface. Among them, the behavior of special electron spins (such as those showing the Rashba-Edelstein effect, Spin Galvanic effect, and others), which can only appear in low-dimensional materials and low-dimensional systems, is a very interesting research field. Here we bypass the problem by generating a spin current not through the spin injection from outside but instead through the inherent spin Hall effect, and demonstrate the non-local spin transport. The analysis on the non-local spin voltage, confirmed by the signature of a Larmor spin precession and its length dependence. And this 2D polar conductor may exhibit directional propagation of itinerant electrons, i.e. the rightward and leftward currents differ from each other, when the time-reversal symmetry is further broken by applying a magnetic field. Further, we report nonlocal spin-transport on two-dimensional surface-conducting SrTiO<sub>3</sub> (STO) without a ferromagnetic spin injector via the spin Hall effect (and inverse spin-Hall effect). By applying magnetic fields to the Hall bars at different angles to the nonlocal spin-diffusion, we demonstrate an anisotropic spin-signal that is consistent with a Hanle precession of a pure spin current.


electrical properties | magnetoresistance (transport)

Symposium Organizers

Symposium Support

JEOL Korea Ltd.

Session Chairs

Jaekwang Lee
Rohan Mishra

In this Session

Ternary Sulfides as Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting

Spin Hall Effect Driven Spin Transport at Two-Dimensional Conducting SrTiO3 Surface

Frustrated Magnetism in Rare-Earth Titanate Pyrochlore Thin Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Correlating Surface Structures and Nanoscale Friction of CVD Multi-Layered Graphene

Highly Durable Shell Formation on Rh for Increased Amount of Metal-Support Interfaces from Enhanced Surface Defect Sites by Fe Doping on CeO2

Novel Solid-State Synthesis of Platinum-Alloy Nanoparticles via Uniform Decomposition of Bimetallic Compounds on Carbon

Effect of Doping Concentration on Ferroelectricity in Hafnia

Temperature Dependence of Spin-Orbit Torques Exerted by a 2DEG in CoFeB/LaTiO3/SrTiO3 Thin-Film Heterostructures

Diffusion in Doped and Undoped Amorphous Zirconia

Magnetism Induced by Nitrogen Doping in Ferroelectric HfO2

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MRS publishes with Springer Nature