MRS Meetings and Events


BI01.04.02 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Being Intentional about the Industry-To-Academia Transition and Other Thoughts on Preparing for an Academic Career

When and Where

Nov 29, 2022
10:00am - 10:30am

Hynes, Level 1, Room 105



Aaron Franklin1

Duke University1


Aaron Franklin1

Duke University1
Ask ten professors their opinions about the pros and cons of a post-doctoral transition from industry to academia and you’re likely to get ten different answers. Given this variance in perspective, are there any commonalities regarding how to make the transition to a faculty position as successful as possible? In my opinion, there are and I will offer these best practices in this talk. The points I share are based on my experience in transitioning to academia after spending six years on the research staff at IBM. My perspective has been further developed by my observation of faculty recruiting these past 8+ years as a professor at Duke. There are certain things a person can do while in a PhD-level industry position to improve their preparation for, and future opportunities in, a faculty position. Most of these recommended steps must be intentional, meaning they will not often develop naturally in the regular course of working in industry. They include seeking mentoring opportunities, building a teaching portfolio, and maintaining a track-record of innovation. Importantly, these points are also completely relevant to those working in other areas (e.g., government labs) or even PhD students still determining the best first steps to take in their career. There’s no perfect recipe for attracting and succeeding in a faculty position, but being intentional in your preparation can certainly help your chances for success!

Symposium Organizers

Isabel Gessner, Miltenyi Biotec
Katherine A. Mazzio, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
Shayandev Sinha, Intel Corporation
Qing Tu, Texas A&M University

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature