MRS Meetings and Events


SF08.03.06 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Graph Theory-Based Structural Analysis on Density Anomaly of Silica Glass

When and Where

Nov 28, 2022
8:00pm - 10:00pm

Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Aik Rui Tan1,Shingo Urata2,Masatsugu Yamada2,Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1,AGC Inc.2


Aik Rui Tan1,Shingo Urata2,Masatsugu Yamada2,Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1,AGC Inc.2
Understanding the structure of glassy materials is a tremendous challenge both experimentally and computationally. Despite decades of scientific research, for instance, the structural origin of the density anomaly in silica glasses is still not well understood. Atomistic simulations based on molecular dynamics (MD) produce atomically resolved structures, but extracting insights about the role of disorder in the density anomaly is challenging. Here, we quantify the topological differences between structural arrangements from MD trajectories using a graph-theoretical approach. Structural differences in silica glasses exhibiting density anomalies are captured using a graph similarity metric. To balance the accuracy and speed of the MD simulations, we utilized force matching potentials to generate the silica glass structures. This approach involves casting all-atom glass configurations as networks, and subsequently applying a graph-similarity metric (D-measure). Calculated D-measure values are then taken as the topological distances between two configurations. By measuring the topological distances of silica glass configurations across a range of temperatures, distinct structural features could be observed at temperatures higher than the fictive temperature. In addition, we compared topological distances between local atomic environments in the glass and crystalline silica phases. This approach suggests that more coesite-like and quartz-like local structures, emerge in silica glasses when the density is at a minimum during the heating process.


glass | interatomic arrangements

Symposium Organizers

Christos Athanasiou, Georgia Institute of Technology
Florian Bouville, Imperial College London
Hortense Le Ferrand, Nanyang Technological University
Izabela Szlufarska, University of Wisconsin

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature