MRS Meetings and Events


EQ01.10.02 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Globally Optimal Band Structure for Thermoelectrics in Realistic Systems

When and Where

Dec 6, 2022
8:30am - 8:45am




Junsoo Park1

NASA Ames Research Center1


Junsoo Park1

NASA Ames Research Center1
Observation is made that a linear dispersion in any dimension under acoustic-phonon-deformation-potential scattering theoretically prescribes a constant charge transport distribution, required for the boxcar profile known to maximize the thermoelectric figure of merit. A linear dispersion squeezed by two transport gaps under scattering by phonon deformation then theoretically constitutes a globally optimal qualitative band structure that may arise in realistic materials. Optimum bandwidth and electron velocity are also determined under deformation-potential scattering in three dimensions. The prescriptions lead to constant zT for all temperatures for a given value of lattice thermal conductivity, in agreement with purely analytic results from a boxcar transport distribution. This indicates that for a truly optimal band structure, the electronic part of the performance is temperature-independent, and the temperature-dependence of zT owes solely to that of lattice thermal conductivity.


electronic structure | thermoelectricity

Symposium Organizers

Sepideh Akhbarifar, The Catholic University of America
Guangzhao Qin, Hunan University
Heng Wang, Illinois Institute of Technology
Sarah J. Watzman, University of Cincinnati

Symposium Support

National Science Foundation

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature