MRS Meetings and Events


NM07.04.03 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Remote Epitaxy for Freestanding GaN Membrane on Wafer-Scale 2D Materials

When and Where

Nov 29, 2022
9:00am - 9:15am

Hynes, Level 2, Room 203



Bo-In Park1,Jekyung Kim1,Yunpeng Liu1,Hyunseok Kim1,Jeehwan Kim1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1


Bo-In Park1,Jekyung Kim1,Yunpeng Liu1,Hyunseok Kim1,Jeehwan Kim1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1
Along with the rapid development of industries including communication, military, aviation, automobile, and high electric power, the demand for semiconductor technology is skyrocketing. In particular, GaN and SiC-based compound semiconductors for cutting edge optical and power devices are receiving highlights as the next-generation semiconductors that can change the world. The compound semiconductors are already being actively applied in the industries.<br/>The principle of “Remote epitaxy” technology has been recently discovered. Researchers in the various fields relevant to epitaxy have begun to pay attention to the new scientific discoveries. Remote epitaxy, developed for the epitaxy of high-quality compound semiconductor materials, is realized by the unique surface and physical characteristics of several two-dimensional (2D) materials. Remote epitaxy is different from the existing epitaxy technology in way that it can produce freestanding membranes due to the easy separation and transfer from the substrate. We have demonstrated the feasibility of this technology over the past several years as well as developed scientific knowledge on the fabrication of various high-quality compound semiconductor materials.<br/>In this study, remote epitaxy for the fabrication of freestanding, high-quality single crystalline GaN membrane is introduced. The manufacturing process of optimized 2D materials from various epitaxy processes is introduced and their characteristics are analyzed in detail. The development of defect-free 2D materials by remote epitaxy enabled the fabrication of high-quality single crystalline membrane at wafer scale.


2D materials | epitaxy

Symposium Organizers

Jeehwan Kim, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sanghoon Bae, Washington University in Saint Louis
Deep Jariwala, University of Pennsylvania
Kyusang Lee, University of Virginia

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature