The 2026 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit will be held in Honolulu, Hawai’i, from April 27–May 1, 2026. As Meeting Chairs, we are now accepting proposals for symposia that address both current and future technical topics in materials research, as well as broader impact areas. Global collaborations, active engagement by researchers from all employment sectors (including industry, national laboratories, and academia), and diversity (including gender and underrepresented groups) are key elements of MRS Meetings and should be reflected in individual symposia.
Following the longstanding tradition for the Spring Meeting, we particularly encourage proposals that cover stimulating, applied scientific topics. Topics of interest to industry are especially welcome. We invite proposals across all areas of materials research, including materials design, functionalities, synthesis, processing, characterization, theory, and modeling.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Proposals in emerging and rapidly developing topics are especially encouraged, including:
Broader Impact Programming is intended to extend the influence of scientific research to the quality of life and society at large. Examples include:
All proposals for Technical or broader impact symposium programming must be submitted by December 15, 2024. Please visit the MRS Call for Proposals website (link below) for instructions and to submit a proposal.
Your input is extremely valuable in helping assure the breadth and topicality of the MRS Meeting as well as ensuring a satisfying Meeting experience.
2026 MRS Spring Meeting Chairs
Meeting Chairs
The Aerospace Corporation
Seoul National University
Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS
The University of Tokyo
National University of Singapore