Diversifying Materials Special Interest Groups

MRS Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are communities within the Society with a shared interest in networking, community building, and passion for advancing the materials community. SIG members cooperate to support members’ careers and stimulate improvements in the materials community by informing each other, advising the Society, and, potentially, organizing activities or programs.

Current Diversifying Materials Special Interest Groups are as follows:

  • Awards Nominations
  • Diversity in Academia
  • LGBTQ+
  • Researchers of Color
  • UREM Students
  • Women in Materials Science and Engineering


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More Information on MRS SIGs

Participation in MRS SIGs is open to all members and there are no set term requirements or limits, allowing members the flexibility to participate as their time and interest permits. SIGs have no ongoing charges or work duties from MRS, but are instead intended to build networking opportunities to advance member careers by providing a space for community-building and facilitating connections to all MRS programs and services.

The MRS Career Advancement Committee‘s Broadening Participation in Materials Coordination Group (BPMCG) is the volunteer body that serves as the umbrella for existing SIGs. Their role is to maintain a high-level view of the SIGs and promote communication and potential collaboration among SIGs where appropriate to ensure balance among SIG activities in order to maximize MRS’s efforts to Broaden Participation in Materials and in the Society.   The BPMSC can also provide guidance and input for new activities proposed by the SIGs prior to a formal approval review. The BPMSC may hold joint periodic meetings of the SIG leaders to assist in coordination of efforts.

MRS SIGs are intended to be self-organized by the SIG members, although MRS will provide logistical support setting up periodic SIG meetings, assisting with room and audio visual arrangements for SIG events (virtual or in person), and catalyzing connections to operating committees.

SIGs that wish to propose an activity that requires funding may do so through the annual Call for Proposals for MRS Diversifying Materials Special Projects Funding.

Proposals requiring financial or staff resources beyond what is offered through the SIG Special Projects Fund must complete a Program Assessment and submit it to the Broadening Participation in Materials Coordination Group Chair and Career Advancement Committee Chair for consideration. SIGs may also propose MRS Spring or Fall Meeting symposia through the normal MRS process