officers and faculty advisors must be familiar with the MRS Board Policy (page 4) which governs University Chapters. They are responsible for fulfilling such obligations as the annual activity reports.
Active Chapters and Benefits
Establishment of a University Chapter shall be authorized by the Board of Directors. Petitions requesting the organization of a University Chapter shall be addressed to the Board of Directors and shall be signed by at least eight students and by
two Regular MRS Members who are on the faculty of the academic institution to be served by the proposed University Chapter. One of the faculty Members must have tenure at the institution, and both faculty Members must agree to advise the University
Chapter for a minimum of two years. The title of the University Chapter shall contain the name of the institution with which it is associated.
A University Chapter will be approved as a chapter in the program indefinitely. To be considered
active, a chapter must have submitted their chapter’s yearly reports (Financial and Activity Report) by the published deadlines and must have as Chapter members at least eight students (no MRS membership requirement) and two current Regular
MRS Members (faculty advisors) for a period of 12 months. However, only active chapters with a minimum of eight MRS Student Members and two current Regular MRS Members are eligible to receive monies from MRS and the Materials Research Foundation.
University Chapters are part of their host academic institution. Chapter officers and faculty advisors are responsible for the resources of their organization and are encouraged to follow the policies and procedures of their host academic
We ask that you keep us posted on changes in Chapter leadership. For us to serve you better, we need to get complete address information about your officers and faculty advisors. Please advise us whenever there’s a change.
Each active University Chapter must submit, by April 1, an annual financial report covering the prior calendar year. The report should include a summary of revenue and expenses. For your convenience, an annual financial report form is included
in this handbook.
Each active University Chapter must also submit an annual activity report by April 1 of each year. A more complete explanation of the annual activity report and guidelines is included in the handbook.
are eligible for up to $500 per year in travel reimbursements to help student members attend the MRS Spring and Fall Meetings. However, the Chapter must have a written policy regarding award of these travel reimbursements. Requests for reimbursement
need to be made in writing by the Chapter president. And as noted above, the travel reimbursement is contingent upon at least one person from the Chapter being present at the University Chapter Representatives Meeting. If your Chapter is not represented
at the meeting, your travel reimbursement may be disallowed.
The MRS Board Policy 5.5.1 prohibits University Chapters from entering into agreements in the name of the Materials Research Society without prior written authorization
from the MRS President. University Chapters cannot incur indebtedness on behalf of the Society without similar written authorization.
No action or obligations of a University Chapter shall be considered an action or obligation of the Materials
Research Society. A statement to this effect must be imprinted in any contractual or financial agreement entered into by a University Chapter. MRS and its officers, directors, members and employees are not liable for any actions taken by University
Chapter officers and faculty advisors.