November 27 - December 2, 2016
Boston, Massachusetts
2016 MRS Fall Meeting

Symposium NM6-Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes

Nanostructured materials made by high temperature gas-phase processes (such as flame, plasma or hot-wall reactors) are highly attractive for incorporation into industrial products. This is because such materials can be made rapidly with high purity in one step and at low cost. In fact, proper tuning of synthesis conditions and/or combining multiple gas-phase reactors/stages even allows for the synthesis of complex structures such as multi-component oxides, metals, encapsulated or surface-functionalized particles and nanoparticulate films. Nanomaterial synthesis and processing methods as well as applications of the resulting materials, however, are still in the rapid developing phase. Specifically, there are intense research efforts towards the development of devices using such nanomaterials aiming at several fields of application, including energy conversion systems, structural coatings, thermal barriers, nanocomposites, biomaterials, nanomedicine and sensing. Fundamentally, there is a great need to understand the nucleation and growth processes of condensed phase materials in the gas phase so that their physical and chemical properties can be precisely controlled and tailored towards a particular application. In-situ diagnostics are extremely challenging due to high temperatures and particle concentrations prevailing in such aerosol reactors. Practically, greater efforts are required to investigate the potentials of the product nanomaterials and their incorporation into devices aiming to economically address the challenges of their translation to industrial and commercial products. Here, knowledge developed in related research areas, e.g. combustion and aerosols for fundamentals and diagnostics or microfabrication for device integration, should be transferred to high temperature material synthesis. Contributions from these fields are especially encouraged to stimulate interdisciplinary discussions.

This symposium will cover processes for synthesis of nanoparticles and related 2D and 3D structures and devices. Contributions on the performance of these materials in various applications (e.g. catalysis, energy conversion and storage, biomedical materials, optics, electronics, nanomedicine) are welcome as well as papers on process fundamentals, computational modeling, diagnostics, design and scale-up.

Topics will include:

  • Fundamental theory and modeling
  • Dry deposition and film formation of nanomaterials
  • Nanomaterials and their assembly into devices for:
  • (i) Energy generation, conversion and storage
  • (ii) Optics, electronics and dielectrics
  • (iii) Biomedical applications, nanomedicine and sensors
  • (iv) Catalysis
  • Advances in high temperature gas-phase synthesis of nanomaterials
  • Process diagnostics and in-situ nanomaterial characterization
  • Process scale-up and integration of synthesis processes in production lines
  • Structural/mechanical applications, such as nanocomposites and coatings

Invited Speakers:

  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_0 (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_1 (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_2 (University of Naples, Italy)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_3 (Lund University, Sweden)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_4 (Center for Research and Technology-Hellas, Greece)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_5 (University of Michigan, USA)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_6 (Tampere University Technology, Finland)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_7 (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_8 (nano-C Inc., USA)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_9 (State University New York at Buffalo, USA)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_10 (Rutgers University, USA)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_11 (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
  • NM6_Nanoscale Materials and Devices by High-Temperature Gas-Phase Processes_12 (Stanford University, USA)

Symposium Organizers

Georgios A. Sotiriou
Karolinska Institutet
Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology

Einar Kruis
University of Duisburg-Essen
Institute for Nanostructures and Technology

Radenka Maric
University of Connecticut
Chemical Materials and Biomolecular Engineering Department

Karsten Wegner
ETH Zurich
Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering


biomaterial biomedical composite devices energy storage nanoscale nucleation & growth plasma deposition spray deposition