April 7 - 11, 2025
Seattle, Washington
Symposium Supporters
2025 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Epitaxial Molding of New van der Waals Quantum Lattice

When and Where

Apr 8, 2025
3:00pm - 3:30pm
Summit, Level 4, Room 425



Moon-Ho Jo1

Pohang University of Science and Technology1


Moon-Ho Jo1

Pohang University of Science and Technology1
In atomically thin van der Waals (vdW) solids, electronic and atomic motions are tightly confined within two-dimensional (2D) lattices, giving rise to diverse electronic and optical excitations. Such emergent properties are yet to be explored, when the 2D vdW lattices are artificially mold as novel condensed matter. In this talk, we present our recent developments of epitaxial molding of vdW heterostructures, achieved by deterministic vdW epitaxy in atomic precisions. In particular, we discuss on epitaxial tuning of mosaic textures, where local electronic structures are modulated to form new vdW quantum phases, such as 1D imbedded Luttinger liquid on the host vdW lattice and their geometric junctions. We showcase the epitaxial 1D metal arrays to build integrated low-power logics circuitry, and demonstrate the state-of-the-art performances for in both individual and array FETs [1]. Epitaxial realization of new vdW lattice in this study suggest a novel synthetic pathway for construction of diverse 2D quantum solids.

[1] “Integrated 1D epitaxial mirror twin boundaries for ultra-scaled 2D MoS2 field-effect transistors”, Heonsu Ahn and Gunho Moon and et.al., Nature Nanotechnology, 19, 955 (2024).
[2] “Epitaxially defined Luttinger liquids on MoS2 bicrystals”, Bingchen Deng and Heonsu Ahn, et al., Physical Review Letters, In Press (2024).
[3] “Quantum-grade transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayer semiconductors in wafer scales by vicinal van der Waals epitaxy”, Gunho Moon, et.al., Submitted, (2024).


2D materials | interface | van der Waals

Symposium Organizers

Eli Sutter, University of Nebraska--Lincoln
Luca Camilli, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Mads Brandbyge, Technical University of Denmark
José Manuel Caridad Hernández, Universidad de Salamanca

Session Chairs

Mads Brandbyge
Mark Hersam

In this Session