April 7 - 11, 2025
Seattle, Washington
Symposium Supporters
2025 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Bond-Centric Modular Design of Protein Assemblies

When and Where

Apr 8, 2025
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Summit, Level 3, Room 324



Shunzhi Wang1

University of Washington1


Shunzhi Wang1

University of Washington1
We describe a modular bond-centric approach to protein nanomaterial design inspired by the rich diversity of chemical structures that can be generated from the small number of atomic valencies and bonding interactions. We design protein building blocks with regular coordination geometries and bonding interactions that enable the assembly of a wide variety of closed and opened nanomaterials using simple geometrical principles. Experimental characterization confirms successful formation of more than twenty multi-component polyhedral protein cages, 2D arrays, and 3D protein lattices, with a high (10-50 %) success rate and electron microscopy data closely matching the corresponding design models. Because of the modularity, individual building blocks can assemble with different partners to generate distinct regular assemblies, resulting in an economy of parts and enabling the construction of reconfigurable systems.


biological synthesis (assembly) | protein

Symposium Organizers

Fabrizio Gelain, ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda
Tiffany Walsh, Deakin University
Chun-Long Chen, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Nathaniel Rosi, University of Pittsburgh

Session Chairs

Fabrizio Gelain
Tiffany Walsh

In this Session