April 7 - 11, 2025
Seattle, Washington
Symposium Supporters
2025 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Room Temperature Quantum Emitters in Aluminum Nitride Epilayers on Silicon

When and Where

Apr 8, 2025
4:15pm - 4:30pm
Summit, Level 4, Room 444



Joseph Cannon1,Sam Bishop1,Katie Eggleton1,Huseyin Yağci1,Rachel Clark1,Sherif Ibrahim1,John Hadden1,Saptarsi Ghosh2,Menno Kappers2,Rachel Oliver2,Anthony Bennett1

Cardiff University1,University of Cambridge2


Joseph Cannon1,Sam Bishop1,Katie Eggleton1,Huseyin Yağci1,Rachel Clark1,Sherif Ibrahim1,John Hadden1,Saptarsi Ghosh2,Menno Kappers2,Rachel Oliver2,Anthony Bennett1

Cardiff University1,University of Cambridge2
Aluminum nitride (AlN) is a compound semiconductor with a wide band-gap, boasting well-established fabrication processes with a transparency window ranging from ultraviolet to mid-infrared. Additionally, AlN possesses both χ (2) and χ (3) non-linearity allowing for processes such as spontaneous parametric down conversion [1] and spontaneous four wave mixing to occur. Devices such as low-loss waveguides and ring resonators in AlN have been reported demonstrating Q-factors exceeding 106 [2] making AlN a promising platform for quantum photonic technologies. Recently, AlN on sapphire has been shown to host quantum emitters (QEs) which emit quantum light at room-temperature [3]. The well known chromium related background fluorescence from sapphire [4] substrates reduces the single photon purity, as well as its unsuitability for scalable processing makes it desirable to identify QEs compatible with other material platforms. In addition, silicon substrates present a wide array of advantages for integrating quantum light sources into electrical devices. The ubiquitous adoption of silicon by industry means there are mature processing techniques with the potential to access CMOS compatible cleanrooms.

We will present the first report of QEs in a III-nitride material on a silicon substrate [5]. We study two samples grown by plasma vapour deposition of nano-columns (PVDNC) and metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on silicon [111] substrates. Both samples contain QEs with a low enough density to be individually addressed. The emission spectra of these QEs is reminiscent of QEs in AlN on sapphire with a low Debye-Waller factor spectrum centered around ≈800 nm. The emission from the QEs is linearly polarized with orthogonally oriented absorption and emission dipoles. The quantum nature of the emission was validated with a Hanbury-Brown and Twiss interferometer in both continuous wave and pulsed mode measurements giving a value of g (2)(0) = 0.41±0.03 for the pulsed measurement. We measure few-nanosecond excited state lifetimes are found which is consistent with other room-temperature quantum emitters in IIInitrides. The discovery of a room-temperature quantum light source in AlN on silicon presents opportunities for commercial, off the shelf single-photon sources.

1 - Guo et al 2016, Light Sci Appl, (6) e16259
2 - Li et al 2021, Nanophotonics 10 (9) 2346-2387
3 - Bishop et al 2020, ACS Photonics 2020 7 (7), 1636-1641
4 - Kusuma et al, 2018, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (1170) 012054
5 - Cannon et al 2023, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2024 (124), 244001



Symposium Organizers

Jeffrey McCallum, University of Melbourne
Yuan Ping, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kai-Mei Fu, University of Washington
Christopher Anderson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Symposium Support

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Session Chairs

Benjamin Pingault
Yaser Silani

In this Session