Apr 9, 2025
4:15pm - 4:30pm
Summit, Level 4, Room 435
Hemant Gulupalli1,Takumi Ikenoue2,1,Bennett Cromer1,Huili Grace Xing1,Michael Thompson1
Cornell University1,Kyoto University2
3 is a promising ultrawide bandgap semiconductor for high-voltage and power devices. However, to date, acceptor doping of
3 has proven difficult due to the flat valence band. To address this limitation and improve upon homoepitaxial unipolar device performance, heterojunction p-n devices with p-type NiO are being explored. Heteroepitaxial growth of p-type NiO has currently been demonstrated by several thin-film growth techniques, including MOCVD, sputtering, PLD, and Mist-CVD. Mist-CVD is particularly promising as it enables single-crystal heteroepitaxial films, and is also a cost-effective, plasma-free technique that is scalable to large-area growth. With the availability of a broad range of low-vapor pressure precursors, phase pure single crystals, complex heterostructures, and 2D materials can be readily formed.
Epitaxial Li-doped NiO films were grown on c-plane sapphire and (100) MgO substrates from nickel (II) acetylacetonate and lithium acetylacetonate precursors. Films exhibited excellent crystallinity with FWHM of 15 and 61 arcseconds on sapphire and MgO. Li doping was achieved by varying the Li precursor concentration between 0 and 2 mmol/L while keeping the Ni precursor concentration constant at 20 mmol/L. By van der Pauw, UID NiO films showed an electrical resistivity of 10
6 Ω-cm, which was controllably reduced to 10
5 Ω-cm by Li doping. A high selectivity wet etch (1:1 HCl: DI at 50°C), with an etch rate of 2.6 nm/min, was developed to facilitate lateral and vertical device geometries. Si-doped
3 was similarly grown successfully as homoepitaxial films on (010) Fe-doped
3 substrates, with a growth rate of ~12 nm/min at 600°C. With increasing temperature, the growth rate decreased and significant γ-Ga
3 inclusions were observed above 800°C. Si doping to 3x10
19 cm
-3 with a mobility of 63 cm
2/(V-s) was demonstrated. Phase-pure
3 was observed only on
3 substrates. In contrast, on sapphire substrates α-phase and γ-phase defects were observed in addition to the dominant
β-phase. Two different heterojunctions of NiO/β-Ga
3 and β-Ga
3/NiO were grown on sapphire, MgO, and β-Ga
3 substrates. Both vertical and lateral heterojunction devices were fabricated in these hole-conducting NiO and electron-conducting Ga
3 films. Vertical NiO/Ga
3 heterojunction exhibited near unity ideality with >2V V
on and >1 kV catastrophic breakdown while lateral diodes exhibited forward currents exceeding 300 mA/mm. Film quality, carrier densities, and pn junction IV curves demonstrate this successful approach for fabricating junction diodes with a full set of necessary processes for low-cost Ga
3 devices.