April 7 - 11, 2025
Seattle, Washington
Symposium Supporters
2025 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Whispering Gallery Mode Lasing with Single Perovskites and Atmospheric Stable Double Perovskites as Gain Medium

When and Where

Apr 11, 2025
9:15am - 9:30am
Summit, Level 4, Room 432



Subitan Laskar1,Sudakar Chandran1

Indian Institute of Technology Madras1


Subitan Laskar1,Sudakar Chandran1

Indian Institute of Technology Madras1
Ultrahigh photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY), low non-radiative recombination, and tunable spectral emission from ultraviolet to the visible range make inorganic lead halide perovskites (LHPs) (APbX3; A = Rb, Cs and X = Br, I) ideal candidates for optoelectronics and photonics applications. Leveraging these properties, we explore the use of LHP quantum dots (QDs) as gain media in whispering gallery mode (WGM) microlasers, focusing on their potential for efficient and stable lasing. Initially, we demonstrate WGM lasing using CsPbI3-QDs coated on TiO2 spherical microcavities. The photoluminescence emission from CsPbI3-QDs effectively couples with TiO2 microspherical resonating optical cavities, leading to a switch from spontaneous to stimulated emission above a distinct threshold of 708.7 W/cm2 under 632-nm laser excitation. The lasing intensity increases with power density beyond this threshold, achieving quality factors (Q) of up to ~1195 at room temperature.[1] Building on this, we investigate the superior photostability and high PLQY of Cs0.5Rb0.5PbBr3-QDs, selected over CsPbBr3 and CsPbI3 due to their enhanced performance. Encapsulating these QDs on TiO2 microspheres results in WGM lasing with a high Q factor of ~1807 when excited with an Ar-ion laser (λex = 488 nm) at a threshold of 7.98 kW/cm2. This system remains photostable even under elevated continuous laser power (~20.03 kW/cm2) for 90 minutes. The high photostability of Cs0.5Rb0.5PbBr3-QDs addresses critical challenges in perovskite microlasers, ensuring consistent performance over extended periods.[2] These findings underscore the potential of inorganic lead halide perovskites, particularly Rb-substituted halide QDs, for developing robust and efficient WGM microlasers. The high-quality factors, significant lasing intensity, and excellent photostability demonstrated in these studies pave the way for their integration into advanced photonic devices, including tunable microlasers, photodetectors, and LEDs. Results on WGM coupling using various compositions of Cs0.5Rb0.5PbBr3-xIx QDs and its lasing characteristics will be presented. It is well known that double perovskites are a stable alternative to lead-free perovskite structure. The integration of double perovskites on these resonating microspheres will also be discussed.
[1] S. Laskar et al. “Whispering Gallery Mode Micro-Lasing in CsPbI3 Quantum Dots Sensitized TiO2 Microspherical Cavity Resonator”, Optics Letters, 48(10), 2643-2646 (2023).
[2] S. Laskar et al. “Photostable Cs0.5Rb0.5PbBr3 Quantum Dots for Whispering Gallery Mode Lasing”, ACS Appl. Opt. Mater. 2(8), 1591–1599 (2024)



Symposium Organizers

Shuzi Hayase, University of Electro-Communications
Letian Dou, Purdue University
Teresa S. Ripolles, University of Valencia
Rui Wang, Westlake University

Symposium Support

Enli Technology Co.,Ltd

Session Chairs

Senol Oez
Bowen Zhu

In this Session