April 7 - 11, 2025
Seattle, Washington
Symposium Supporters
2025 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Scalable Barocaloric Systems

When and Where

Apr 10, 2025
11:30am - 11:45am
Summit, Level 4, Room 445



Jinyoung Seo1,Adam Slavney1

Pascal Technologies, Inc.1


Jinyoung Seo1,Adam Slavney1

Pascal Technologies, Inc.1
Barocaloric effects in solids can be used to drive energy-efficient heating and cooling cycles, offering a promising alternative to vapor compression technology that relies on potent greenhouse gases. However, developing barocaloric systems that can be scaled to produce competitive and technologically meaningful power and efficiencies has been challenging. In this presentation, I will describe our latest efforts to develop a high-performance barocaloric cooling system. First, I will discuss how strong barocaloric effects that originate from hydrocarbon order–disorder transitions in layered organic and metal–organic materials [1, 2] can be leveraged to generate high thermal power in composite barocaloric refrigerants. I will highlight our efforts to elucidate key factors that influence hysteresis, thermal conductivity, and material longevity, with a focus on evaluating the tradeoff relationships between power density and energy density in barocaloric systems. Second, I will describe new mechanisms for driving large barocaloric effects at low pressures. Specifically, I will show how these new approaches unlock different types of system architectures and scaling laws that are critical to achieving high-performance barocaloric devices. Our approaches leverage the interface between materials chemistry and thermal engineering to create new opportunities in barocalorics.

[1] Seo, J.; McGillicuddy, R. M.; Slavney, A. H.; Zhang, S.; Ukani, R.; Yakovenko, A. A.; Zheng, S.-L.; Mason, J. A. “Colossal Barocaloric Effects with Ultralow Hysteresis in Two-Dimensional Metal–Halide Perovskites” Nature Communications 2022, 13, 2536.
[2] Seo, J.; Ukani, R.; Zheng, J.; Braun, J. D.; Wang, S.; Chen, F. E.; Kim, H. K.; Zhang, S.; Thai, C.; McGillicuddy, R. M.; Yan, H.; Vlassak, J.; Mason, J. A. “Barocaloric Effects in Dialkylammonium Halide Salts” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 2736.


calorimetry | thermodynamics

Symposium Organizers

Karl Sandeman, Brooklyn College
Pol Lloveras, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Helen Walker, Science and Technology Facilities Council
Anthony Phillips, Queen Mary University of London

Session Chairs

Karl Sandeman
Ichiro Takeuchi

In this Session