April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Modifying Li+Transport and Interface Chemistry via Citric Acid-Treated Silica Carrier in Nanoparticle Colloidal Electrolyte toward Stable Li-Metal Batteries

When and Where

Apr 26, 2024
1:45pm - 2:00pm
Room 422, Level 4, Summit



Minhong Lim1,Hongkyung Lee1



Minhong Lim1,Hongkyung Lee1

Tailoring the lithium ion (Li+) microenvironment is essential for achieving rapid ionic transfer and a mechanically strong solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI). This is key to the stable cycling of lithium-metal batteries (LMBs). Beyond the conventional approach of adjusting salt and solvent compositions, this study introduces a novel method. It involves simultaneous modulation of Li+ transport and SEI chemistry through a citric acid (CA)-modified silica-based colloidal electrolyte (C-SCE). The CA-tethered silica (CA-SiO2) provides more active sites for attracting complex anions. This leads to a greater dissociation of Li+ from these anions, resulting in a high Li+ transference number (approximately 0.75). The intermolecular hydrogen bonds formed between solvent molecules and CA-SiO2, along with their migration, serve as nano-carriers. These nano-carriers are responsible for transporting additives and anions to the lithium surface, thereby strengthening the SEI through the co-implantation of SiO2 and fluorinated components. Notably, C-SCE has shown promise in suppressing lithium dendrite formation and enhancing the cycling stability of LMBs. This is a significant improvement over the CA-free SiO2 colloidal electrolyte. The study highlights that the surface properties of nanoparticles play a crucial role in the dendrite-inhibiting capabilities of nano colloidal electrolytes.


electromigration | Li | surface chemistry

Symposium Organizers

Betar Gallant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tao Gao, University of Utah
Yuzhang Li, University of California, Los Angeles
Wu Xu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Session Chairs

Tao Gao
Wu Xu

In this Session