April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Synthesis of High-Quality Monolayers of Cr2TiC2Tx MXene, Their Mechanical Properties, p-type Electrical Transport and Positive Photoresponse

When and Where

Apr 23, 2024
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Room 330, Level 3, Summit



Alexander Sinitskii1,Saman Bagheri1,Michael Loes1,Alexey Lipatov1,2,Haidong Lu1,Alexei Gruverman1

University of Nebraska-Lincoln1,South Dakota School of Mines and Technology2


Alexander Sinitskii1,Saman Bagheri1,Michael Loes1,Alexey Lipatov1,2,Haidong Lu1,Alexei Gruverman1

University of Nebraska-Lincoln1,South Dakota School of Mines and Technology2
In the rapidly growing family of MXenes, Cr2TiC2Tx is one of the most intriguing materials as an ordered double-transition-metal MXene with peculiar magnetic properties. In this work, we developed a synthetic procedure for high-quality Cr2TiC2Tx and produced monolayer sheets with lateral sizes exceeding 15 µm for single-flake measurements. The results of such measurements on Cr2TiC2Tx further establish it as a unique material among the MXenes experimentally tested so far. Field-effect electrical measurements on monolayer Cr2TiC2Tx flakes reveal an average conductivity of 66.18 S cm-1 and p-type transport properties, while established MXene materials, such as Ti3C2Tx and Nb4C3Tx, demonstrated n-type behavior in similar studies. The experimental data are corroborated by DFT studies, showing that Cr vacancies are the major contributing factor to the p-type behavior of Cr2TiC2Tx. When illuminated with visible or infrared light, the Cr2TiC2Tx devices exhibit positive photoresponse in contrast to the negative photoresponse that was recently reported for Ti3C2Tx monolayers. Nanoindentation measurements of monolayer Cr2TiC2Tx membranes yield a respectable value of effective Young’s modulus of 220±22 GPa. This work provides access to large high-quality Cr2TiC2Tx flakes that can find numerous applications due to their attractive mechanical characteristics and transport properties that are complementary to other established MXene materials.


2D materials | elastic properties | electrical properties

Symposium Organizers

Stefano Ippolito, Drexel University
Michael Naguib, Tulane University
Zhimei Sun, Beihang University
Xuehang Wang, Delft University of Technology

Symposium Support

Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Energy Advances
Progress in Materials Science The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

Session Chairs

Stefano Ippolito
Michael Naguib

In this Session