April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

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2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Writing and Detecting Topological Charges in Exfoliated Fe5-xGeTe2

When and Where

Apr 26, 2024
3:45pm - 4:00pm
Room 421, Level 4, Summit



Luis Balicas1,2,Alex Moon1,2,Yue Li3,Conor McKeever4,Brian Casas2,Moises Bravo5,Wenkai Zheng1,2,Juan Macy1,2,Amanda Petford-Long3,6,Julia Chan6,Charudatta Phatak3,6,Elton Santos4,Gregory McCandless5

Florida State University1,National High Magnetic Field Laboratory2,Argonne National Laboratory3,University of Edinburgh4,Baylor University5,Northwestern University6


Luis Balicas1,2,Alex Moon1,2,Yue Li3,Conor McKeever4,Brian Casas2,Moises Bravo5,Wenkai Zheng1,2,Juan Macy1,2,Amanda Petford-Long3,6,Julia Chan6,Charudatta Phatak3,6,Elton Santos4,Gregory McCandless5

Florida State University1,National High Magnetic Field Laboratory2,Argonne National Laboratory3,University of Edinburgh4,Baylor University5,Northwestern University6
Fe<sub>5-<i>x</i></sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub> is a promising two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) magnet for practical applications, given its remarkable magnetic properties. These include Curie temperatures above room temperature, and topological spin textures – TST (both merons and skyrmions), responsible for a pronounced anomalous Hall effect (AHE) and its topological counterpart (THE), which can be harvested for spintronics. Here, we show that both the AHE and THE can be amplified considerably by just adjusting the thickness of exfoliated Fe<sub>5-<i>x</i></sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub>, with THE becoming observable even in zero magnetic field due to a field-induced unbalance in topological charges. Using a complementary suite of techniques, including electronic transport, Lorentz transmission electron microscopy, and micromagnetic simulations, we reveal the emergence of substantial coercive fields upon exfoliation, which are absent in the bulk, implying thickness-dependent magnetic interactions that affect the TST. We detected a ‘magic’ thickness <i>t</i> ~30 nm where the formation of TST is maximized, inducing large magnitudes for the topological charge density (~6.45 x 10<sup>20</sup> cm<sup>-2</sup>), and the concomitant anomalous (<i>ρ<sub>xy</sub></i><sup>A</sup> ≈ 22.6 μΩ cm) and topological (<i>ρ<sub>xy</sub></i><sup>T</sup>≈ 15 μΩ cm) Hall resistivities at <i>T</i> ~ 120 K. These values are higher than those found in magnetic topological insulators and, so far, the largest reported for 2D magnets. The hitherto unobserved THE under zero magnetic field could provide a platform for the writing and electrical detection of TST aiming at energy-efficient devices based on vdW ferromagnets. are higher than those found in magnetic topological insulators and, so far, the largest reported for 2D magnets. The hitherto unobserved THE under zero magnetic field could provide a platform for the writing and electrical detection of TST aiming at energy-efficient devices based on vdW ferromagnets.


Hall effect

Symposium Organizers

Zhong Lin, Binghamton University
Yunqiu Kelly Luo, University of Southern California
Andrew F. May, Oak Ridge National Laboratoryy
Dmitry Ovchinnikov, University of Kansas

Symposium Support

Thorlabs Bronze
Vacuum Technology Inc.

Session Chairs

Geoff Diederich
Dmitry Ovchinnikov

In this Session