Apr 23, 2024
2:30pm - 2:45pm
Room 343, Level 3, Summit
Anna Park1,Vivek Anil1,Matthew Barone1,Brendan Faeth1,Tobias Schwaigert1,Kyle Shen1,Darrell Schlom1
Cornell University1
Molecular-beam epitaxy of SrMoO3 films with record low electrical resistivityAnna S. Park1,2,*, Vivek Anil
3,*, Matthew R. Barone
1,2, Brendan D. Faeth
2, Tobias Schwaigert
1,2, Kyle M. Shen
3,4 , Darrell G. Schlom
1,2,4,51Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA2Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Materials (PARADIM), Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 148533Department of Physics, Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA4Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA5Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Max-Born-Str. 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany*authors contributed equally
3 is the most conducting perovskite oxide (~5.1 at room temperature),
[1] about 40 times more conductive than SrRuO
3. This makes it an attractive material as a bottom electrode for perovskite heterostructures, particularly for the high-
K dielectric Ba
3.[2] Unfortunately, the synthesis of molybdates by traditional MBE is difficult due to the low vapor pressure of molybdenum.
[3] In contrast to elemental molybdenum, its oxide MoO
3 has a very high vapor pressure, which makes it a suitable candidate for a variant of MBE where a molecular beam of a metal oxide rather than its elemental counterpart is used.
[4] One challenge of using MoO
3 as a source, however, is its tendency to reduce to non-volatile MoO
2 in an ultrahigh vacuum environment. This challenge was recently circumvented by injecting a steady flow of oxygen directly into the crucible, enabling the growth of SrMoO
3 films using the stable flux of MoO
3 molecules emanating from a MoO
3 source in conjunction with the flux of strontium atoms emanating from a strontium source, both of which were containing within MBE effusion cells.
[3] The properties of oxide conductors often depend strongly on composition, where off stoichiometry can increase the room-temperature resistivity and dramatically decrease the residual resistivity ratio . This disorder is presumably responsible for the lowest room-temperature resistivity values obtained to date for SrMoO
3 films grown by conventional MBE and pulsed-laser deposition being 24 and , respectively,
[2,5] which is a factor of 5 higher than the best SrMnO
3 single crystals.
[1] Here we report the growth of SrMoO
3 in an adsorption-controlled regime where thermodynamics automatically controls film composition. To achieve this adsorption-controlled regime, substrate temperatures above 1100 °C are needed, which are unattainable in conventional oxide MBE systems. At the PARADIM thin film facility, we can reach substrate temperatures up to 2000 °C with a CO
2-laser substrate heater, allowing us to capitalize on the volatility of SrO at ~1100 °C. The resulting phase-pure epitaxial SrMoO
3 thin films are characterized by narrow rocking curves, room-temperature resistivities under and residual resistivity ratios higher than the best SrMoO
3 single crystal.
[1] We additionally map the band structure of these high-quality SrMoO
3 films with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy.
[1] I. Nagai,
et al.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 024105 (2005).
[2] H. Takatsu,
et al.,
J. Cryst. Growth 543, 125685 (2020).
[3] P. Saig,
et al.,
APL Mater. 7, 051107 (2019).
[4] K. Atkinson,
et al.,
APL Mater. 8, 081110 (2020).
[5] T. Kuznetsova,
et al.,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 41 (2023).
[6] A. Radetinac,
et al.,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 114108 (2014)