April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Raman Spectroscopy at The Nanoscale: From Materials to Devices for Energy Conversion

When and Where

Apr 26, 2024
1:30pm - 2:00pm
Room 335, Level 3, Summit



Mirjana Dimitrievska1

Empa–Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology1


Mirjana Dimitrievska1

Empa–Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology1
The pace at which major technological changes take place is often dictated by the rate at which new materials are discovered, and the timely arrival of new materials has always played a key role in bringing advances to our society. Machine learning and advanced simulation and modeling techniques have recently massively accelerated the fast screening and discovery of new materials. There is however today a bottleneck in the exploitation of these emerging materials. Indeed, after the materials’ existence and/or properties are predicted in silico, their synthesis and integration in devices to demonstrate functionality remain major challenge. Fast and reliable characterization can significantly accelerate materials optimization and bring them to the forefront of applications.<br/><br/>This talk will give an overview on the key role that Raman spectroscopy plays in accelerated semiconductor materials development for optoelectronic and energy conversion applications. I will show how Raman spectroscopy could be effectively used for probing fundamental properties of materials, such as crystal quality, phase purity, and defects. This will follow with presenting Raman-based methodologies for nanoscale detection of defects and impurities in materials, leading to establishing accurate phase diagrams and predictive synthesis-structure-property relationships. I will focus on wide range of material systems, from thin films to 1D and 2D materials. Finally I will discuss Raman-based mapping of the defect structure/space of thin film solar cells to optimize device structure.


defects | nanoscale | Raman spectroscopy

Symposium Organizers

Andrea Crovetto, Technical University of Denmark
Annie Greenaway, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Xiaojing Hao, Univ of New South Wales
Vladan Stevanovic, Colorado School of Mines

Session Chairs

Sachit Grover
Gerasimos Konstantatos

In this Session