December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Investigation of the Interfacial pH at Catalyst-Ionomer Interface Using In-Situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
4:30pm - 4:45pm
Sheraton, Third Floor, Gardner



Pulkit Jain1,Nhan Tran1,Zhu Chen1

University of Massachusetts Amherst1


Pulkit Jain1,Nhan Tran1,Zhu Chen1

University of Massachusetts Amherst1
Renewable energy-powered electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) offers a potentially viable method to close the carbon cycle and produce high-value multicarbon(C2+) products. Ionomers such as Nafion, commonly used as a binder in nanostructured CO2RR catalytic systems, can also affect the selectivity of CO2RR by modulating the local pH and alkali cation transport to the catalyst surface. However, literature reports have shown either a decrease, increase, or no effect of Nafion on C2+ selectivity, demanding a better understanding of the catalyst-ionomer interface. In this study, we utilized in-situ Raman spectroscopy to monitor changes in local pH on a plasmonic rough gold surface, both with and without ionomer coating, using a pH-sensitive probe. We used the Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) as a model reaction because, similar to CO2RR, it can also increase the local pH by consuming protons or producing hydroxide ions. Our results on bare gold surface show no change in the local pH with applied potential when tests are conducted in strongly acidic medium. However, in mildly acidic or near-neutral bulk conditions, the local pH quickly changes to alkaline post-HER onset. Upon conducting these tests with Nafion-coated gold electrodes, we observed both lower local pH and current at the same applied potential compared to bare electrode. However, when similar current densities are applied, the difference in local pH compared to bare electrode is not significant, indicating that improvement in C2+ selectivity, as proposed by earlier reports, might not be due to the local pH increase from the OH- trapping effect of Nafion.


in situ | surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)

Symposium Organizers

Ye Cao, The University of Texas at Arlington
Jinghua Guo, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Amy Marschilok, Stony Brook University
Liwen Wan, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Session Chairs

Regina García-Méndez
Jinghua Guo

In this Session