December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Photoelectrocatalysis of CaCd2P2—A Case Study in Novel Ternary Zintl Phosphides for Solar Fuel Production

When and Where

Dec 5, 2024
2:15pm - 2:30pm
Hynes, Level 3, Room 300



Guillermo Esparza1,Zhenkun Yuan2,Muhammad Hasan3,Gideon Kassa2,Yagmur Coban2,Andrew Pike2,Jifeng Liu2,Kirill Kovnir3,Geoffroy Hautier2,David Fenning1

University of California, San Diego1,Dartmouth College2,Iowa State University of Science and Technology3


Guillermo Esparza1,Zhenkun Yuan2,Muhammad Hasan3,Gideon Kassa2,Yagmur Coban2,Andrew Pike2,Jifeng Liu2,Kirill Kovnir3,Geoffroy Hautier2,David Fenning1

University of California, San Diego1,Dartmouth College2,Iowa State University of Science and Technology3
No known solar fuel photo(electro)catalyst displays the intersection of high-performance, stability, strong absorption, and Earth abundance necessary for deployment at scale. These ongoing challenges present an urgent need for discovery of new material candidates. Ternary Zintl phosphides, with an AM2P2 composition, have recently been identified in computational discovery efforts for solar energy conversion applications.1 Continued computational screening has identified many AM2P2 family members as having promising optoelectronic properties with stabilities suitable for synthesis and solar energy conversion. Here, we introduce the synthesis and photoelectrochemical characterization of the first material of photocatalytic interest originating from these efforts, CaCd2P2 (CCP). CCP exhibits intense optical absorption and a predicted direct bandgap of 1.62eV, corroborated by strong band-to-band photoluminescent emission at ~1.6eV. In water splitting measurements under simulated 1-sun illumination, as-synthesized CCP powder demonstrates photoelectrochemical activity for both hydrogen and oxygen evolution, as well as robust stability in alkaline conditions. Its photocatalytic potential, stability, and semiconducting properties will be discussed, as well as opportunities for further discovery and solar fuels development in this new Zintl phosphide family of materials.

[1] Yuan, Zhenkun, et al. "Discovery of the Zintl-phosphide BaCd2P2 as a long carrier lifetime and stable solar absorber." Joule 8.5 (2024): 1412-1429.


electrochemical synthesis

Symposium Organizers

Virgil Andrei,
Rafael Jaramillo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rajiv Prabhakar,
Ludmilla Steier, University of Oxford

Session Chairs

Virgil Andrei
Ludmilla Steier

In this Session