December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Tip-Enhanced Two-Photon Light Absorption and Emission in/from Soft Materials

When and Where

Dec 5, 2024
9:00am - 9:15am
Sheraton, Third Floor, Tremont



Yaakov Tischler1,Bharathi Rajeswaran1,2

Bar-Ilan University1,Indian Institute of Science2


Yaakov Tischler1,Bharathi Rajeswaran1,2

Bar-Ilan University1,Indian Institute of Science2
Two-Photon Absorption (TPA) is a non-linear optical process in which the simultaneous absorption of two photons takes place in order to promote a molecule from its ground state to excited state1,2. Because there is a simultaneous absorption of two photons, the probability of such a process is proportional to the square of the light intensity. Two-Photon Emission (TPE) is the follow-on process whereby a molecule or material that has been excited via TPA, then fluoresces light. There are numerous studies on combining TPE with AFM, whereby the TPE signal becomes tip-enhanced, leading to Tip-Enhanced TPE (TE-TPE) signals with a greatly improved spatial resolution—on the order of the tip-diameter. To the best of our knowledge, here we show for the first time that AFM can also be combined with the TPA spectroscopy technique, to achieve co-located topographic information and simultaneously tip-enhanced non-linear TPA signals. The Tip-Enhanced TPA (TE-TPA) technique is more general than TPE because it can work even on non-photoluminescent materials. In this work, TPA and TPE measurements were carried out using an amplified fsec laser with a central wavelength of 1028 nm. The TPA was generated in a transmission geometry using a tuning-fork based AFM from Nanonics that was situated between upright and inverted microscopes. We developed different approaches to observe the tip-enhancement. We then used tip-enhanced TPA and TPE spectroscopy to map the optical and topographic properties of soft semiconductor materials such as organic dyes, thin films of CsPbBr3 perovskites, a few layered WSe2, amongst other soft-semiconductors. We observe strong TE-TPE when the material being studied has a prominent excitonic absorption peak centered at near the TPA wavelength of 514 nm, being nearly in “2-photon resonance” with the fsec pulsed excitation. We use a balanced detection scheme with a boxcar integrator to measure differential absorption. We also use an ultra-fast detector to measure TPE. The variation of the TPE signal was measured at different powers for different laser repetition rates. With the TE-TPA technique, we were able to characterize thin films of soft materials, and identify changes in the optical properties at the nanoscale grain boundaries and interfaces.

1. M. Rumi and J. W. Perry, Adv. Opt. Photonics, 2010, 2, 451.
2. C. Lee, B. G. Jeong, S. J. Yun, Y. H. Lee, S. M. Lee and M. S. Jeong, ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 9982–9990.


nanostructure | scanning probe microscopy (SPM)

Symposium Organizers

Philippe Leclere, University of Mons
Malgorzata Lekka, Inst of Nuclear Physics PAN
Gustavo Luengo, L'OREAL Research and Innovation
Igor Sokolov, Tufts University

Symposium Support


Session Chairs

Philippe Leclere
Malgorzata Lekka

In this Session