December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Real-Time Monitoring of Chemical Treatment on TMDs

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Sheraton, Third Floor, Hampton



Juhwan Lim1,Jiho Han1,Christoph Schnedermann1,Manish Chhowalla1,Akshay Rao1

University of Cambridge1


Juhwan Lim1,Jiho Han1,Christoph Schnedermann1,Manish Chhowalla1,Akshay Rao1

University of Cambridge1
Chemical treatment is one of the major route for tuning the properties of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), a class of ultrathin semiconductors. Firstly, solution-based chemical approaches using TFSI-based ionic salts (e.g. using Li-TFSI) enhance semiconducting properties by passivating surface defects and unwanted doping, notably enhancing photoluminescence (PL) yield. Secondly, chemical lithiation using organolithiation agents (e.g. n-butyllithium) changes the crystallographic phase of TMDs from the natural trigonal prismatic (2H) to octahedral (1T). Here, employing various home-built microscopy techniques, we monitored the time- and spatially-resolved PL enhancement and phase transition of mono-, and few-layered MoS2 during solution processes. For Li-TFSI treatment, we focused on the evolution and homogeneity during the chemical treatments. We defined the treatment time, and figured out the inhomogeneity remains during the treatment, which presented non-varying intrinsic defect density over time. In organolithiation-based phase engineering of MoS2, we discovered that this process is a charge-limited, surface-driven intercalation that can be tuned by illumination energy.


2D materials | chemical reaction | operando

Symposium Organizers

Jolien Dendooven, Ghent University
Masaru Hori, Nagoya University
David Munoz-Rojas, LMGP Grenoble INP/CNRS
Christophe Vallee, University at Albany, State University of New York

Session Chairs

Peter Muller-Buschbaum
Eduardo Solano

In this Session