December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Chalcogen-Dependent Efficiency of Synthesizing Janus Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Atomic-Layer Substitution

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
4:15pm - 4:30pm
Hynes, Level 1, Room 104



Tianyi Zhang1,Kaichen Xie2,Zhuohang Yu3,Ji-Hoon Park1,Ang-Yu Lu1,Kunyan Zhang4,Wenjing Wu4,Shengxi Huang4,Mauricio Terrones3,Yunfan Guo5,Ting Cao2,Jing Kong1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1,University of Washington2,The Pennsylvania State University3,Rice University4,Zhejiang University5


Tianyi Zhang1,Kaichen Xie2,Zhuohang Yu3,Ji-Hoon Park1,Ang-Yu Lu1,Kunyan Zhang4,Wenjing Wu4,Shengxi Huang4,Mauricio Terrones3,Yunfan Guo5,Ting Cao2,Jing Kong1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1,University of Washington2,The Pennsylvania State University3,Rice University4,Zhejiang University5
Janus monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are a unique category of two-dimensional (2D) materials with intriguing properties arising from their out-of-plane asymmetry and inherent electric dipole. Room-temperature (RT) synthesis and patterning of Janus TMDs have recently been realized through an atomic-layer substitution (ALS) approach that steers the reaction pathway in a diverse energy landscape compared to the high-temperature process. In principle, the RT-ALS synthesis of MSSe-type Janus TMDs (M = Mo, W, etc.) can start from either MS2 or MSe2, but the associated energy landscapes of these pathways may vary, influencing the reaction efficiency. Herein, we investigate the conversion of Janus MSSe monolayers from MS2 and MSe2 prepared by different methods, and our experimental results indicate that the RT-ALS process is more efficient and has a broader reaction window for converting MSe2 to MSeS than starting the conversion from MS2. Density functional theory calculations reveal that the reaction energy barrier and overall reaction energy are considerably lower when MSe2 is employed as the starting material, agreeing with experimental findings. These results improve our understanding of the RT-ALS process, and provide useful guidance for the future design of optimum reaction pathways for various Janus materials with high yield, enhanced uniformity, and controlled dipole orientations.


2D materials | chemical vapor deposition (CVD) (chemical reaction) | Raman spectroscopy

Symposium Organizers

Tanushree Choudhury, The Pennsylvania State University
Maria Hilse, The Pennsylvania State University
Patrick Vora, George Mason University
Xiaotian Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Symposium Support

Two-Dimensional Crystal Consortium - Materials Innovation Platform (2DCC-MIP)

Session Chairs

Andrew Graves
Nadire Nayir

In this Session