December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Understanding Voltage Hysteresis and Voltage Fade in Li-Rich Mn-Based Layered Oxide Cathode Materials

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
4:45pm - 5:00pm
Hynes, Level 3, Ballroom C



Kit McColl1,Patrick J. Taylor1,Samuel Coles2,1,Benjamin Morgan1,Saiful Islam3

University of Bath1,University of Cambridge2,University of Oxford3


Kit McColl1,Patrick J. Taylor1,Samuel Coles2,1,Benjamin Morgan1,Saiful Islam3

University of Bath1,University of Cambridge2,University of Oxford3
Lithium-rich manganese-based layered oxide cathodes exhibit high reversible capacity from a combination of transition metal ion redox and oxygen redox. However, these Li-rich materials suffer a loss of energy density during cycling, due to hysteresis and fade in their voltage-capacity curve, which has been associate with their oxygen redox chemistry [1]. Two different forms of voltage hysteresis can be recognised: a large first-cycle hysteresis, resulting in an irreversible voltage loss, and a smaller, persistent hysteresis on later cycles, causing a round-trip cycling inefficiency [2]. A further phenomenon of voltage fade, a gradual drop in average discharge voltage at each cycle, also results in energy density loss over long-term cycling [3]. To improve the practical viability of Li-rich Mn-based cathodes, it is vital that these detrimental electrochemical features are understood and mitigated. Unfortunately, the mechanisms of oxygen redox, including host-framework structural rearrangements, void formation and oxygen loss [4], that are associated with voltage hysteresis and fade, are not well understood at the atomic or nanoscale.

To understand the origin of voltage fade and hysteresis in an exemplary Li-rich Mn-based cathode: Li1.2Mn0.8O2, we employ atomistic modelling, using density functional theory, ab initio molecular dynamics and machine-learning potentials. By combining these modelling methods, we can map a large structural and chemical space in the material during charge and discharge. In doing so, we resolve distinct atomic- and nanoscale origins for the first-cycle hysteresis, persistent hysteresis, and voltage fade, and identify structural modifications that will mitigate each process. Insights from this work provide clear guidelines for the design of Li-rich cathodes with better short-term and long-term cycling stability.

[1] K. McColl, S.W. Coles, et al., Nature Materials, 23, 826–833 (2024)
[2] K. McColl, R.A. House, et al., Nature Communications, 13, 5275 (2022)
[3] R.A. House, G.J. Rees, K. McColl, et al., Nature Energy, 8, 351–360 (2023)
[4] P. Csernica, K. McColl et al., Submitted, ChemRxiv (2024)

Symposium Organizers

Kelsey Hatzell, Vanderbilt University
Ying Shirley Meng, The University of Chicago
Daniel Steingart, Columbia University
Kang Xu, SES AI Corp

Session Chairs

Maria Chan
Kelsey Hatzell
Kang Xu

In this Session