Dec 2, 2024
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Sheraton, Second Floor, Independence East
Sebastien Francoeur1,Alaric Bergeron1,Clément Gradziel1,Richard Leonelli2
Polytechnique Montréal1,Université de Montréal2
Sebastien Francoeur1,Alaric Bergeron1,Clément Gradziel1,Richard Leonelli2
Polytechnique Montréal1,Université de Montréal2
The hyperbolic dispersion relation of phonon-polaritons (PhPols) in anisotropic van der Waals materials provides high-momentum states, directional propagation, subdiffractional confinement, large optical density of states, and enhanced light-matter interactions. In this work, we used Raman spectroscopy in the convenient backscattering configuration to probe PhPol in GaSe, a 2D material presenting two hyperbolic regions separated by a double reststrahlen band. By varying the incidence angle, complete dispersion relations are revealed. Raman spectra simulations confirm the observation of one surface and two extraordinary guided polaritons and match the evolution of PhPol frequencies as a function of vertical confinement. GaSe appears to provide relatively low propagation losses and supports confinement factors matching or exceeding those reported for other 2D materials, such h-BN and MoO3. Resonant excitation close to the 1s exciton singularly exalts the scattering efficiency of PhPols, providing enhanced scattering signals and means to probe the coupling of PhPols to other solid-state excitations. Almost universally available in 2D material research labs, backscattering Raman spectroscopy is a complementary technique for the study of phPol and may accelerate the development of a wider variety of polaritonic materials and devices.