Dec 3, 2024
3:45pm - 4:00pm
Hynes, Level 3, Room 309
Shahar Shalom1,Dekel Rosenfeld1
Tel Aviv University1
Magnetic Hyperthermia exploits magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) to locally increase the temperature in cell surroundings while exposed to external alternating magnetic fields (AMFs). MNPs in size of 20-22 nm demonstrate hysteresis behavior under AMFs, resulting in heat dissipation. The low electromagnetic attenuation in the body’s tissues enables AMFs penetration to deep organs. Moreover, coupling the properties of the applied AMFs with the MNPs’ properties allows efficient heat dissipation.
With the development of such applications for cancer hyperthermia and neuromodulation, there is a high demand to verify the approach's safety and eliminate damage to cells and surrounding tissues. To this end, we assessed cell viability while exposed to magnetothermal stimulation
in vitro in two-dimensional and three-dimensional cultures. We examined the AMFs’ parameters, e.g. stimulation duration and field amplitude, and MNPs properties. Furthermore, we conducted thorough examinations of different heating rates, and different MNPs concentrations to determine the requirement for enhancing cell viability.
Our research contributes to a more profound understanding of magnetic hyperthermia, providing insights for establishing appropriate infrastructures and conducting experimental procedures. Our results enhance the translational potential of magnetothermal stimulation for neuroscience and tissue engineering.