December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

The Gut-Immune Axis—A Bioelectronic Approach for Studying IBS, Diet and Intestinal Inflammation

When and Where

Dec 2, 2024
1:45pm - 2:00pm
Hynes, Level 3, Room 309



Roisin Owens1,Alexandra Wheeler-Enslin1,Sophie Oldroyd1,David Bulmer1

University of Cambridge1


Roisin Owens1,Alexandra Wheeler-Enslin1,Sophie Oldroyd1,David Bulmer1

University of Cambridge1
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic bowel disorder associated with abdominal pain and altered bowel movements, broadly classified as diarrhea- or constipation-predominant or mixed. Altered intestinal permeability and immune function have been linked to subsets of IBS(1). Intestinal immune cells play a pivotal role in regulating intestinal homeostasis and are key role players in inflammatory responses and maintenance of barrier integrity(2). Understanding the intricate interplay between the intestinal epithelium and immune cells is therefore important in broadening our understanding of IBS as well as intestinal inflammation and its modulation by diet. Traditional in vitro intestinal models often focus on the epithelial layer to study barrier function and transport processes, however it is becoming increasingly recognized that incorporation of immune cells in these models is crucial for improving our understanding of inflammation and immune responses(3).


We introduce a novel in vitro model of the gut-immune and gut-immune-vasculature interface, offering a more physiologically-relevant platform to investigate the effects of IBS and the dynamics of intestinal inflammation. The model integrates key components of the gut microenvironment, including epithelial and immune cells, contained within a collagen-based hydrogel, with or without vascular endothelial cells. We use this model to explore the effects of hallmarks of healthy (short chain fatty acids) and western (long chain fatty acids) diets as well as faecal supernatants from patients suffering from IBS, pre- and post-dietary intervention, and their healthy household controls. To do this we focus on monitoring changes in intestinal barrier integrity using both a conventional transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) monitoring approach relying on chop-stick electrodes and a novel Parylene C and PEDOT:PSS based conformable device(4).

Results & Discussion

Our findings demonstrate that barrier integrity changes in response to both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory stimuli can be measured electrically. Additionally, we show that TEER changes induced by incubation with faecal supernatants from IBS patients can be effectively measured, including changes post dietary intervention. Our results indicate that our conformable devices are more sensitive and capable of detecting these changes compared to conventional methods.


The study confirms that dietary metabolites and IBS faecal supernatants impact the gut-immune and gut-immune-vasculature interfaces, and that these effects can be effectively monitored using novel conformable devices. This provides a valuable platform and monitoring technique for IBS and metabolic research, allowing for detailed study of the effects of diet and disease states on intestinal barrier integrity.


1. N. Hanning et al., Ther. Adv. Gastroenterol. 14, 175628482199358 (2021).
2. T. E. Adolph et al., Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 19, 753–767 (2022).
3. A. E. Wheeler, V. Stoeger, R. M. Owens, Lab. Chip. 24, 1266–1292 (2024).
4. S. L. Barron et al., Adv. Mater. 36, 2306679 (2024).


biomaterial | organic

Symposium Organizers

Roisin Owens, University of Cambridge
Charalampos Pitsalidis, Khalifa University of Science and Technology
Achilleas Savva, Delft University of Technology
Jadranka Travas-Sejdic, Univ of Auckland

Session Chairs

Roisin Owens
Anna-Maria Pappa

In this Session