December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Site-Specific Single Atom Incorporation in Cobalt Spinel Oxide for High-Performance Acidic Oxygen Evolution Reaction

When and Where

Dec 4, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A


Taeghwan Hyeon, Seoul National University


Kangjae Lee1,2,Taeghwan Hyeon1,2

Seoul National University1,Institute of Basic Science (IBS)2


Kangjae Lee1,2,Taeghwan Hyeon1,2

Seoul National University1,Institute of Basic Science (IBS)2
The capability to finely control specific surface properties of a catalyst has been recognized as a significant issue in achieving optimized catalytic processes, owing to the dependence of catalytic performance on these surface properties. Spinel oxides with an AB2O4 crystal structure have been of particular interest. Depending on the cation selection at the A and B sites, the physicochemical properties of spinel oxides can be precisely modified.
Very recently, Co3O4 has emerged as a representative non-noble metal catalyst for the acidic oxygen evolution reaction (OER), providing a potential substitute for the rare metals Ru and Ir. However, with a few exceptions, the incorporation of metal elements in cobalt spinel oxide has been limited to first-row transition metals (e.g., Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, and Zn). It is highly desirable to design a cobalt spinel oxide system that can withstand harsh OER conditions while maintaining high reactivity through rational metal cation incorporation. Although intriguing, the physicochemical properties of cobalt spinel oxides that incorporate metal cations other than those mentioned above have not been well elucidated. In particular, the early transition metals in the higher periods of the periodic table, such as Hf, Ta, and W, which readily react with water to form heterogeneous oxides, pose a significant challenge for their atomic distribution in Co3O4. Due to the synthetic difficulty, little is known about the unique properties exhibited by these metals in the form of single atoms within cobalt spinel oxide.
Herein, we provide unified understanding on the metal cation incorporation in cobalt spinel oxide crystal structure. First, we developed a general synthetic method that enabled us to directly synthesize the versatile metal doped Co3O4 from early transition metals to metalloids. Using highly porous metal organic framework (MOF) structure, we could successfully incorporate Hf, Ta, W, Ti, Ga, Ge, and Pd into Co3O4 without formation of any hetero metal oxide species. Second, we clarified each metal species has different stabilization sites in cobalt spinel structure. Ta, W,and Ge have a great tendency to be stabilized on the surface of Co3O4, which dramatically increases Co2+ species. The dopant-rich shell along with high density of surface Co2+ then provides active and protective layers for high-performance acidic OER. Ta doped Co3O4 has the low overpotential of 378 mV at 10 mA cm-2, and maintained its activity over 140 hours in acidic electrolytes. According to in-situ XAS and ICP, the protective shell suppresses over-oxidation and dissolution of Co species during the reaction.
In summary, we present a unified picture of the single-atom-doped cobalt spinel oxide crystal structure and a general synthetic principle applicable to a broad range of metal elements beyond the first-row transition metals. Additionally, we elucidate the metal-specific stabilization sites in Co3O4, which exhibit unique surface physicochemical properties. These finely controlled surface properties can enhance catalytic performance and provide durable stability in acidic OER. Our discovery of a general synthesis method for incorporating various metals into cobalt spinel oxide, along with the corresponding control of surface properties, can be applied to various catalytic processes for sustainable energy storage and conversion systems.


sol-gel | Ta

Symposium Organizers

Kelsey Hatzell, Vanderbilt University
Ying Shirley Meng, The University of Chicago
Daniel Steingart, Columbia University
Kang Xu, SES AI Corp

Session Chairs

Ying Shirley Meng
Kang Xu

In this Session