December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Temperature-Dependent Recombination Dynamics of Photocarriers in CsPbBr3 Microcrystals Revealed by Ultrafast Terahertz Spectroscopy

When and Where

Dec 5, 2024
9:30am - 9:45am
Sheraton, Third Floor, Fairfax A



Sheng Hung Lee1,Kyeongdeuk Moon1,Muhammad Shoaib1,Charles Pedorella2,Kellen O’Brien2,Meng-Ju Sher2,Seokhyoung Kim1,Tyler Cocker1

Michigan State University1,Wesleyan University2


Sheng Hung Lee1,Kyeongdeuk Moon1,Muhammad Shoaib1,Charles Pedorella2,Kellen O’Brien2,Meng-Ju Sher2,Seokhyoung Kim1,Tyler Cocker1

Michigan State University1,Wesleyan University2
We study the ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited charge carriers in micron-scale crystals composed of the inorganic perovskite CsPbBr3 with time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy. Exciting with photon energy close to the band edge, we find that a fast (< 10 ps) decay emerges in the terahertz photoconductivity with increasing pump fluence and decreasing temperature, dominating the dynamics at 4 K. The fluence-dependent dynamics can be globally fit by a nonlinear recombination model, which reveals that the primary nonlinear recombination mechanism depends on temperature, with Auger scattering determining the fast decay at 77 K but radiative recombination responsible for the fast decay at 4 K. Spectroscopically, the terahertz photoconductivity resembles a Drude response at all delays, yet an additional Lorentz component due to an above-bandwidth exciton resonance is needed to fully reproduce the data. The coexistence of excitons with free charge carriers impacts the scale of the recombination coefficients, as the absorbed photon density significantly exceeds the free charge carrier density.


perovskites | photoconductivity | spectroscopy

Symposium Organizers

Omar F. Mohammed, KAUST
Libai Huang, Purdue University
Volkan Ortalan, University of Connecticut
Ding-Shyue (Jerry) Yang, University of Houston

Symposium Support


Session Chairs

Omar F. Mohammed
Libai Huang
Volkan Ortalan
Ding-Shyue (Jerry) Yang

In this Session