December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Encoding Shape, Structure, Mechanics and Dynamics of a Soft Solid with an Active Fluid

When and Where

Dec 2, 2024
3:45pm - 4:15pm
Hynes, Level 1, Room 101



Zvonimir Dogic1,John Berezney2,Ray Sattvic1,Itamar Kolvin3,Seth Fraden2

University of California, Santa Barbara1,Brandeis University2,Georgia Institute of Technology3


Zvonimir Dogic1,John Berezney2,Ray Sattvic1,Itamar Kolvin3,Seth Fraden2

University of California, Santa Barbara1,Brandeis University2,Georgia Institute of Technology3
Statistical mechanics describes how one can design targeted macroscale properties of equilibrium assemblages by controlling microscopic interactions. In comparison, our understanding of how large-scale structure and dynamics occur away from equilibrium is less complete. We describe a hierarchical self-organizing process of remarkable complexity. Starting with a uniform mixture of microtubule-based active fluid and passive actin filaments, we observe the emergence of complex structures and dynamical patterns on length scales ranging from nanometers to millimeters. Active fluids sculpt the structure, shape, mechanics, and dynamics of the actin network. Eventually, one observes the formation of macroscopically large actin-based thermalized membranes whose out-of-plane bending rigidity and in-plane oscillatory patterns are driven by the enveloping microtubule-based active fluid. Taken together, these experiments demonstrate a need for developing a theoretical understanding of out-of-equilibrium self-organizing processes.


biomimetic (assembly) | protein

Symposium Organizers

Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez, The University of Texas at Austin
Reza Foudazi, The University of Oklahoma
Markus Muellner, The University of Sydney
Christine Selhuber-Unkel, Heidelberg University

Symposium Support

Nature Materials

Session Chairs

Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez
Julianne Holloway

In this Session