December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Proximity-Induced “Magic” Raman Bands in TERS Spectra of MoS2 and WS2 Deposited on the 1L h-BN-Capped Gold

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
11:15am - 11:30am
Sheraton, Second Floor, Independence East



Andrey Krayev2,Pavel Valencia Acuna1,Ju-Hyun Jung3,Cheol-Joo Kim3,Andrew Mannix4,Eleonora Isotta5,Patrick El-Khoury1

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory1,Horiba Scientific2,Pohang University of Science and Technology3,Stanford University4,Northwestern University5


Andrey Krayev2,Pavel Valencia Acuna1,Ju-Hyun Jung3,Cheol-Joo Kim3,Andrew Mannix4,Eleonora Isotta5,Patrick El-Khoury1

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory1,Horiba Scientific2,Pohang University of Science and Technology3,Stanford University4,Northwestern University5
Over the last decade the tip enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) imaging has become an important nanoscale spectroscopic technique capable of identifying structural peculiarities and defects in 2D semiconductors and their vertical and lateral heterostructures with routine spatial resolution of 10-20nm in ambient. Particularly advantageous implementation of sample geometry for TERS imaging is the so-called gap mode when thin sample is sandwiched between a plasmonic tip and plasmonic substrate. At the same time, the direct contact of 2D semiconductors with metallic substrate makes observation of tip enhanced photoluminescence (TEPL) very difficult if possible at all due to non-radiative decay of excitons in adjacent metal.
To resolve the above problem we suggested to use the monolayer h-BN – capped gold substrates as an ideal platform for the gap mode TERS and TEPL imaging, that on the one hand, should preserve strong gap mode enhancement of Raman signal due to small thickness (0.3 nm) of the dielectric h-BN layer, and on the other hand preserve strong TEPL response due to de-coupling of 2D semiconductors from the metallic substrate. Data collected on mono- and a few-layer-thick crystals of MoS2 and WS2 show both the TERS and TEPL response, confirming the validity of the proposed approach.
In addition to the enhancement of both the PL and Raman signal, in the course of assessment of TERS/TEPL response of mono- and a few-layer-thick crystals of MoS2 and WS2 deposited on 1L h-BN-capped gold we observed in TERS spectra, completely unexpectedly, appearance of Raman bands at about 796 cm-1 and 76 cm-1 which are not normally observed in regular Raman spectra of h-BN or WS2/MoS2. We can safely state that these “magic” bands belong to h-BN as they appear at the same spectral position in TERS spectra of both the monolayer MoS2 and WS2 deposited on the monolayer h-BN capped gold, moreover, the 796 cm-1 band often was the strongest band observed in TERS spectra, even stronger than A’ mode from WS2 or MoS2. Presence of the transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) monolayer is mandatory for the appearance of these “magic” bands as they are absent outside of the monolayer TMDs in these samples. Literature search showed that similar (but not identical) phenomenon was observed earlier in h-BN encapsulated WSe2 [1,2], MoSe2[2] and WS2[3]. There have been several significant differences between our data and the earlier reported one: in our case we have not been able to observe the “magic bands” in MoSe2 and WSe2 @ 1L h-BN@Au, while WS2 monolayers deposited on the same substrate as WSe2, showed expected response. More importantly, the excitation laser wavelength dependence in our case was completely different from what was reported earlier: in WS2-based samples we observed strong “magic” bands with excitation at 830 nm, 785nm, 594nm, but not 633nm, the wavelength closest to the A exciton in this material. This excitation profile is remarkably reminiscent of the excitation profile of the monolayer WS2 in intimate contact with silver where we observed strong dip of the intensity of main A’ mode in TERS spectra at 633nm excitation wavelength.
We will argue that intricate interaction between the tip-substrate gap plasmon, TMD excitons and most probably, normally mid-IR-active phonons in h-BN is responsible for the appearance of observed “magic” bands. We’ll briefly discuss the next steps in investigation of this fascinating phenomenon such as the use of MoS2xSe2(1-x) alloys and MoSSe/MoSeS Janus monolayers on 1L h-BN-capped gold or silver.
Jin, C., Kim, J., Suh, J. et al. Nature Phys 13, 127–131 (2017)
Jacob J. S. Viner, Liam P. McDonnell, Phys. Rev. B 104, 165404
Luojun Du, Yanchong Zhao, Zhiyan Jia, Phys. Rev. B 99, 205410


2D materials | Raman spectroscopy | scanning probe microscopy (SPM)

Symposium Organizers

Qiushi Guo, City University of New York
Doron Naveh, Bar-Ilan University
Miriam Vitiello, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Wenjuan Zhu, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Symposium Support

Montana Instruments

Oxford Instruments

Session Chairs

Gabriele Grosso
Wenjing Wu

In this Session