December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Unveiling High Spin Polarization in Mn-Rich Co-Mn-Ge Heusler Alloys via High-Throughput XMCD Analysis

When and Where

Dec 6, 2024
9:30am - 9:45am
Hynes, Level 1, Room 105



Takahiro Yamazaki1,Alexandre Lira Foggiatto1,Ryo Toyama2,Kentaro Fuku1,Kohei Yamagami3,Hitoshi Ohsawa3,Takuo Ohkochi4,3,Yuma Iwasaki2,Yuya Sakuraba2,Masato Kotsugi1

Tokyo University of Science1,National Institute for Materials Science2,Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute3,University of Hyogo4


Takahiro Yamazaki1,Alexandre Lira Foggiatto1,Ryo Toyama2,Kentaro Fuku1,Kohei Yamagami3,Hitoshi Ohsawa3,Takuo Ohkochi4,3,Yuma Iwasaki2,Yuya Sakuraba2,Masato Kotsugi1

Tokyo University of Science1,National Institute for Materials Science2,Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute3,University of Hyogo4
The rapid growth of digital data has necessitated higher recording densities in HDDs. Current-perpendicular-to-plane giant magnetoresistance (CPP-GMR) devices have attracted significant attention as next-generation HDD read heads, potentially replacing tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) devices. However, conventional ferromagnetic materials have inadequate magnetoresistance (MR) ratios, highlighting the need for materials with higher spin polarization to achieve significant MR ratio enhancements[1]. This study focuses on the half-metallic Heusler alloy Co2MnGe, based on predictions from machine learning-driven virtual material discoveries. Specifically, the goal is to identify with higher spin polarization in Mn-rich regions by fabricating compositional-spread thin films and performing high-throughput soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurement.

Co-Mn-Ge compositional-spread thin films were deposited on MgO substrates using a magnetron sputtering system. X-ray structural analysis confirmed the L21 ordered structure across a wide compositional range. XMCD measurements at the Co and Mn L2,3 absorption edges were performed at the BL25SU beamline of SPring-8, Japan to evaluate the magnetic moments of the respective elements. Anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) measurements were conducted post-device fabrication to assess the AMR ratios for various compositions. First-principles calculations were employed to analyze the electronic density of states and spin polarization.

The results from XMCD and AMR measurements suggest a correlation between the increased spin magnetic moment of Co in Co2MnGe alloys and the enhancement of the AMR ratio. Notably, the high negative AMR ratios observed in Mn-rich regions are attributed to the high saturation magnetization of Co2MnGe alloys with an L21 ordered structure. The significant negative AMR ratios indicate high spin polarization in Mn-rich regions. These experimental results are consistent with first-principles calculations, which also suggest high spin polarization in Mn-rich Co2MnGe alloys. Therefore, it is evident that the manifestation of high spin polarization is both experimentally and theoretically predictable. This study highlights the potential of Mn-rich Co2MnGe alloys as high-performance materials for CPP-GMR devices, contributing to the advancement of next-generation HDD read heads with significantly enhanced MR ratios. The combination of experimental and theoretical approaches provides a robust framework for predicting and validating high spin polarization in new materials.


combinatorial | magnetoresistance (transport)

Symposium Organizers

Chiara Ciccarelli, University of Cambridge
Tobias Kampfrath, Freie Universität Berlin
Roberto Mantovan, CNR-IMM, Univ of Agrate Brianza
Jianhua Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Session Chairs

Valentin Dediu
Roberto Mantovan

In this Session