December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

New Advances in Early Transition Metal High-Entropy Oxide Electroceramics

When and Where

Dec 5, 2024
10:30am - 10:45am
Hynes, Level 2, Room 208



Robert Spurling1,Saeed S.I. Almishal1,Michael Marakovits1,Arafat Hossain1,Jacob Sivak1,Chloe Skidmore1,Nathaniel McIlwaine1,Joseph Casamento1,John Hayden1,Ryan Spangler1,Steven Perini1,Susan Sinnott1,Michael Lanagan1,Jon-Paul Maria1

The Pennsylvania State University1


Robert Spurling1,Saeed S.I. Almishal1,Michael Marakovits1,Arafat Hossain1,Jacob Sivak1,Chloe Skidmore1,Nathaniel McIlwaine1,Joseph Casamento1,John Hayden1,Ryan Spangler1,Steven Perini1,Susan Sinnott1,Michael Lanagan1,Jon-Paul Maria1

The Pennsylvania State University1
High-entropy oxides unlock new potential for application-driven materials design. High configurational entropy bestows thermodynamic stability to structures with distinct local environments, which in turn give rise to diverse and tailorable properties. The A6B2O17 (A = Zr, Hf; B = Nb, Ta) high-entropy oxides adopt a complex, disordered cation sublattice which induces a unique macroscopic dielectric repsonse, making them important candidates for electroceramics applications. Here, we investigate the interplay between strcuture and dielectric properties of disordered A6B2O17 phases across length scales, from bulk ceramics to thin films.

Tandem in situ and ex situ X-ray diffraction identify A6B2O17 stabilization temperatures which are consistent with calculations for a strongly cation-disordered sublattice. Reactive sintering at high temperatures (≥ 1300 °C) yields dense (> 95% ρTheoretical), phase-homogenous A6B2O17 ceramics which are used for bulk dielectric measurements and as targets for thin film sputter deposition. Room temperature Hakki-Coleman measurements on bulk ceramics indicate a relative permittivity of ~60 with loss < 0.01. Modified temperature resonant post measurements indicate an atypical temperature-dependent dielectric response: we observe a positive permittivity temperature coefficient, suggesting contributions from a disorder-derived polarization mechanism. Dielectric measurements from sputter-deposited films corroborate bulk data. We observe a strong connection between oxygen partial and total pressure deposition conditions on film microstructure and morphology as well as electrical performance. X-ray diffraction, X-ray reflectometry, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy highlight structural differences between films grown under different deposition conditions; this structural data is used to improve understanding of dielectric property trends. We explore extended solubility in A6B2O17 phases and impacts from different solute cations on structure and electronic properties, including high field responses. We employ computational tools, including density functional theory and machine learning, to corroborate and elucidate experimental trends in both structure and property behavior.


ceramic | sputtering

Symposium Organizers

Daniel Gianola, University of California, Santa Barbara
Jiyun Kang, Stanford University
Eun Soo Park, Seoul National University
Cem Tasan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Session Chairs

Veerle Keppens
Hyunseok Oh

In this Session