April 10 - 14, 2023
San Francisco, California
2023 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Engineering Light-Activated Microswimmers for Controllable Motion and Interparticle Interactions

When and Where

Apr 12, 2023
8:15am - 8:30am
InterContinental, Fourth Floor, Telegraph Hill



John Castaneda1,John Gibbs1,Jennifer Martinez1,2

Northern Arizona University1,Los Alamos National Laboratory2


morphology | nanostructure | physical vapor deposition (PVD)

Symposium Organizers

Sambeeta Das, University of Delaware
Zhifeng Ren, University of Houston
Wei Wang, Aramco Americas: Aramco Research Center-Boston
Christopher Wirth, Case Western Reserve University

Session Chairs

Sambeeta Das
Zhifeng Ren

In this Session