April 10 - 14, 2023
San Francisco, California
2023 MRS Spring Meeting

Gas-Phase Composition as a Predictive Metric for Calendar Life Behavior of Next-Generation Silicon Anodes

When and Where

Apr 14, 2023
9:45am - 10:15am
InterContinental, Fifth Floor, Ballroom C



Kae Fink1,Mel Soto1,Maxwell Schulze1,Gerard Carroll1,Peter Weddle1,Ankit Verma1,Nathan Neale1,Andrew Colclasure1,Bertrand Tremolet de Villers1

National Renewable Energy Laboratory1


gas chromatography | in situ

Symposium Organizers

Rosa Arrigo, University of Salford
Qiong Cai, University of Surrey
Akihiro Kushima, University of Central Florida
Junjie Niu, University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee

Symposium Support

Gamry Instruments
IOP Publishing
Protochips Inc
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Session Chairs

Rosa Arrigo
Junjie Niu

In this Session