April 10 - 14, 2023
San Francisco, California
2023 MRS Spring Meeting

Analyzing the Effects of Atomic Reconstruction on CDW Behavior in TaX2 Moiré Bilayers

When and Where

Apr 11, 2023
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Moscone West, Level 1, Exhibit Hall



Nikita Dowlatshahi1,Madeline Van Winkle1,Kwabena Bediako1

University of California, Berkeley1


Raman spectroscopy | scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) | van der Waals

Symposium Organizers

Matthew Brahlek, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Yue Cao, Argonne National Laboratory
Brian Skinner, The Ohio State University
Liuyan Zhao, University of Michigan

Session Chairs

Matthew Brahlek
Yue Cao

In this Session