April 10 - 14, 2023
San Francisco, California
2023 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Additive Manufacturing of Regolith Composites Through UV-Assisted Direct-Ink-write in Simulated Space Environments

When and Where

Apr 13, 2023
3:30pm - 3:45pm
Marriott Marquis, B2 Level, Golden Gate C1



Alexandra Marnot1,Lena Konzelman1,Blair Brettmann1

Georgia Institute of Technology1


3D printing | composite

Symposium Organizers

Kim de Groh, NASA Glenn Research Ctr
Yugo Kimoto, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Ryan Reeves, International Space Station National Laboratory
Mark Shumbera, Aegis Aerospace Inc.

Session Chairs

Sara Rengifo
Debbie Senesky

In this Session