April 10 - 14, 2023
San Francisco, California
2023 MRS Spring Meeting

Tuning and Probing Interfacial Thermal Conductance between Moiré Superstructures

When and Where

Apr 12, 2023
9:00am - 9:15am
Marriott Marquis, B2 Level, Golden Gate A



Devika Mehta1,Emma Martin1,Nemin Wei1,Yajie Huang1,Allan MacDonald1,Li Shi1

The University of Texas at Austin1


thermal conductivity | van der Waals

Symposium Organizers

Yongjie Hu, University of California, Los Angeles
Lucas Lindsay, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Amy Marconnet, Purdue University
Ivana Savic, Tyndall National Institute

Session Chairs

Yongjie Hu
Philip Kim

In this Session