November 26 - December 1, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts

Event Supporters

2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Decoding Silent Speech Commands from Articulatory Movements Through Soft Magnetic Skin and Machine Learning

When and Where

Nov 27, 2023
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Penghao Dong1,Shanshan Yao1

Stony Brook University, The State University of New York1

Symposium Organizers

Herdeline Ann Ardoña, University of California, Irvine
Guglielmo Lanzani, Italian Inst of Technology
Eleni Stavrinidou, Linköping University
Flavia Vitale, University of Pennsylvania

Symposium Support

iScience | Cell Press

Session Chairs

Herdeline Ann Ardoña
Guglielmo Lanzani

In this Session