November 26 - December 1, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2023 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Hydrogel for Multiplexed Multiscale Imaging and Phenotyping of the Human-Organ-Scale Biological Tissues

When and Where

Nov 30, 2023
11:00am - 11:15am
Hynes, Level 1, Room 103



Juhyuk Park1,Ji Wang1,Webster Guan1,Lee Kamentsky1,Nicholas Evans1,Jeffrey Stirman2,Xinyi Gu1,Chuanxi Zhao1,Minyoung Kim1,Seo Woo Choi1,Clover Su-Arcaro1,Yuxuan Tian1,Dae Hee Yun1,C. Dirk Keene3,Patrick Hof4,Matthew Frosch5,Kwanghun Chung1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1,LifeCanvas Technologies2,University of Washington3,Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai4,Harvard Medical School5


elastic properties

Symposium Organizers

Anna-Maria Pappa, Khalifa University
Alexandra Rutz, Washington University in St. Louis
Christina Tringides, ETH Zurich
Shiming Zhang, The University of Hong Kong

Session Chairs

Anna-Maria Pappa
Alexandra Rutz
Christina Tringides
Shiming Zhang

In this Session