November 27 - December 2, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
December 6 - 8, 2022 (Virtual)
2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Calcium Titanate Orthorhombic Perovskite-Nickel Oxide Heterogeneous Solar Blind UVC Photodetectors with Unprecedented Long-term Stability Exceeding 500 Days and Their Applications to Real-Time Flame Detection

When and Where

Nov 30, 2022
10:30am - 10:45am
Sheraton, 2nd Floor, Republic B



Subin Lee1,Taehyun Park1,Jaehyun Hur1,Hocheon Yoo1

Gachon University1



Symposium Organizers

Stefaan De Wolf, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Geoffroy Hautier, University Catholique de Louvain
Monica Morales-Masis, University of Twente
Barry Rand, Princeton University

Session Chairs

Monica Morales-Masis
Joel Varley

In this Session