Call for Papers

Breaking News Abstract Submissions are Open!

Breaking News abstract submission for the 2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit is now open! This is your final chance to be considered for a slot to showcase your most recent findings. HURRY, submission deadline is September 16 at 11:59 pm ET.

Scroll down to view presentation resources, topical clusters, a list of symposia, and other Call for Papers information.

Submit an Abstract


Submit your Abstract

Submission deadline is September 16, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET

September 3, 2024, 8:00 am ET
Breaking News abstract submission opens

September 16, 2024, 11:59 pm ET
Breaking News abstract submission deadline

September 30, 2024
Breaking News confirmation emails are sent


Topical Clusters

  • Broader Impact (BI)
  • Electronics, Optics and Photonics (EL)
  • Materials Theory, Computation and Data Science (MT)
  • Processing, Manufacturing and Synthesis (PM)
  • Soft Materials and Biomaterials (SB)
  • Characterization (CH)
  • Energy and Sustainability (EN)
  • Nanomaterials (NM)
  • Quantum Materials (QT)
  • Structural and Functional Materials (SF)

Abstract Resources

Optimize Your Time

This webinar gives tips on how to get the most from your MRS Meeting experience. 


Write Concrete Abstracts

Join MRS and a panel of editors for a webinar on the abstract writing process.

Poster Success

Learn how to craft your value statement and talking points, and how to engage those who stop by. CLICK HERE »

List of Symposia

  • Symposium BI01: Democratizing AI in Materials Science—A Pathway to Broaden the Impact of Materials Research

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium BI02: Early Career Development—Insights from Academia and Industry

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium CH01: In Situ Characterization During Thin-Film Processing

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium CH02: Recent Advancements in Characterization and Modeling of Electrochemical Interfaces

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium CH03: Towards Quantitative Characterization of Soft Materials by Scanning Probe Microscopy—Beyond Imaging

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium CH04: Advanced Characterization Techniques and Methodologies for Battery Materials

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium CH05: Frontiers of Imaging and Spectroscopy in Transmission Electron Microscopy

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium CH06: Exploring Fast and Ultrafast Dynamics of Matter with Electrons and Photons

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium CH07: Cryogenic Electron Microscopy and Correlative Characterization Techniques for Quantum and Energy Materials Research

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EL01: Low-Dimensional Luminescent Materials and Devices

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EL02: Phase-Change Materials for Brain-like Computing, Embedded Memory and Photonic Applications

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EL03: 2D Materials—Nanofabrication and Applications

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EL04: Recent Advances in Hybrid Perovskites

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EL05: Materials and Devices for Neuromorphics, Biohybrid Systems and Smart Sensing

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EL06: 2D Atomic and Molecular Sheets Beyond Graphene—Optical Properties, Optoelectronics and Quantum Optics

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EL07: Emerging Material Platforms and Fundamental Approaches for Plasmonics, Nanophotonics, and Metasurfaces

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EL08: Diamond Functional Devices—From Material to Applications

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN01: Light-Harvesting Materials for Efficient and Stable Solar Fuels Production

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN02: Thin Film Chalcogenides for Energy Applications

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN03: Emergent Properties in Actinide Materials—Enabling Next-Generation Nuclear Energy Applications

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN04: Phase Change Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN05: Electrodes for Chemical and Energy Conversion Technologies

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN06: Redox Flow-Based Electrochemical Systems

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN07: Multijunction Devices for Solar Energy Conversion

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN08: Materials Design and Discovery for Next-Generation Energy Storage Systems

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN09: Innovations in Materials and Processes for Printed, Flexible and Stretchable Energy-autonomous Sensing Systems

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN10: Critical Materials for Energy—Extraction, Functionality and Recycling

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN11: Nitrogen-doped Carbon—From Fundamental Understanding to Applications in Electrochemical Devices

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium EN12: Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium MT01: Dynamics of Defects Under Extreme Environments

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium MT02: Machine Learning in Action—Automated and Autonomous Experiments

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium MT03: Synthesis of 2D Materials—Theory and Simulation

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium MT04: Next-Generation AI-Catalyzed Scientific Workflow for Digital Materials Discovery

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium NM01: Nanotubes, Graphene and Related Nanostructures

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium NM02: Atomic Precision in Nanocluster Engineering

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium NM03: Engineering Ultra-Thin Chalcogenide Films

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium NM04: Exploring the Properties and Applications of Freestanding Membranes—From 2D to 3D

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium NM05: Structural Control and Design of 2D Layered Materials and Heterostructures Toward Novel Functionalities

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium NM06: Emerging Trends in Nano- and Micro-structured Bioinspired Materials

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium NM07: Building Advanced Materials via Aggregation and Self-assembly

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium PM01: Crystal Clear—Recent Advances in Biogenic and Synthetic, Organic and Inorganic Crystallization

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium PM02: Additive and Digital Manufacturing of Multifunctional Materials

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium PM03: Plasmas for Materials Science—Opportunities at the Interface

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium QT01: Chirality and Spin in Halide Perovskites

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium QT02: Interfaces in Spintronics

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium QT03: Topological Materials—Growth, Theoretical Models and Applications

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium QT04: Molecular Quantum Systems

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium QT05: Quantum Phenomena, Measurements and Engineering in Materials

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB01: Electrifying Biomaterials—Frontiers of Biohybrid Devices

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB02: Biotronics—Soft Ionic and Electronic Devices for Biological Applications

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB03: Wood Nanoscience, Nanoengineering and Materials

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB04: Materials and Devices for In Vitro Cell—Tissue-Electronic Interfaces

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB05: Biomaterials for Regenerative Engineering

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB06: 2D Materials for Theranostics

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB07: 3D Bioinspired Biomaterials

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB08: Smart and Living Materials for Advanced Engineering Systems

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB09: Fundamental Processes at Electroactive Biological Interfaces

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB10: Soft Materials for Sensors and Actuators in e-textiles and e-skins

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB11: Biological and Bioinspired Polymers

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB12: Conductive Biological Materials

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SB13: Soft Materials for Harsh Environments

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SF01: Bulk Metallic Glasses

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SF02: High Entropy Materials

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SF03: Materials for Robotics

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SF04: Advanced Functional Materials for Extreme Conditions

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SF05: Structural and Functional Intermetallics

    Call for Papers
  • Symposium SF06: From Robotic Toward Autonomous Materials

    Call for Papers

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature