Boston, Massachusetts
This tutorial will offer insights on recent development of dimensionally hybrid stacking and on advanced characterization techniques.
Instructors: Deep Jariwala, University of Pennsylvania; Michal Baranowski, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
This tutorial will offer insights on recent development of dimensionally hybrid stacking and on advanced characterization techniques.
The first part of the tutorial will cover aspects concerning the fabrication of hybrid structure. Starting from the know-how acquired on planar 2D heterostructures, Prof. Jariwala will show how this expertise can be translate to systems owing multi-dimensional character, highlighting the potential impact for device engineering.
The second part will discuss the characterization of the semiconductors with magnetic fields. Magnetic field quantizes the motion of the charge carriers along the magnetic field lines, which can be considered as an effective changing of dimensionality. Prof. Baranowski will discuss the generation of magnetic fields, from the laboratory scale to the magnetic field facilities, and how this experimental tool can provide valuable information on the electronic properties of semiconductors, ranging from conventional materials to dimensionally mixed stacking.
Overall, the tutorial will offer a broad overview on the field with a significant focus on future avenues for mixed-dimensional heterostructures, which are of interest for both basic research and market-oriented applications. The audience will learn about the advantages of mixing low-dimensional systems, while receiving comprehensive details about their fabrication and characterization. It is expected that this tutorial will provide technical knowledge that the attendees can exploit for their research, while prompting generation of new ideas and connecting closely young researchers with well-established scientists in the field.
Tutorial Schedule