Symposium FF04-Crystal Engineering of Functional Materials—Solution-Based Strategies
Solution processing of functional materials, including conjugated polymers and small molecules, metal-halide perovskites, colloids and quantum dots, enables the large-scale, high-throughput manufacturing of a broad range of optoelectronic devices, from flexible solar panels to disposable sensors. Compatibility with rapid processing that render this class of materials advantageous from a manufacturing standpoint, however, present unique challenges in controlling active layer morphologies for optimum device performance. Because these systems are chemically complex and evolve on short time scales during solvent evaporation, morphological heterogeneities/defects that form during solution deposition are one of the most significant bottlenecks facing the commercialization of such devices. Solution-based strategies to control crystallization outcomes, including the extent of crystallinity, crystal size and orientation, polymorphism, etc., are thus critical to the advancement of this field.
This symposium will cover the latest discoveries in 1) fundamental mechanisms governing the structural evolution of solution-processable functional materials, 2) processing strategies to control solution-phase nucleation/crystallization processes in order to evoke desired crystallization outcomes, 3) emerging methods to probe crystallization and materials structure during processing, and 4) structure-function relationships between crystallization outcomes and optoelectronic processes, e.g. light absorption, exciton generation and diffusion, charge transport, etc. Recent insights into the role of molecular structure, solvent interactions, and external forces, e.g. shear, electric and magnetic fields, etc., in determining final film morphology and device performance from both experiments and simulations will be highlighted.
Topics will include:
- Molecular design strategies
- Directed self-assembly
- Solution structure and rheology
- Continuous processing methods
- In situ materials characterization during solution processing
- Impact of crystallization outcomes on optoelectronic processes
- Colloidal assembly
Invited Speakers:
- Kilwon Cho (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
- Alberto Salleo (Stanford University, USA)
- Natalie Stingelin (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- Michael Chabinyc (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
- Dean DeLongchamp (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)
- Dmitri Talapin (University of Chicago, USA)
- Yueh-Lin Loo (Princeton University, USA)
- John Anthony (University of Kentucky, USA)
- Alejandro Briseno (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
- Yves Geerts (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
- Arthi Jayaraman (University of Delaware, USA)
- Hanying Li (Zhejiang University, China)
- Jianguo Mei (Purdue University, USA)
- Ellen Moons (Karlstads Universitet, Sweden)
- Colin Nuckolls (Columbia University, USA)
- Detlef Smilgies (Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source, USA)
- Jun Takaya (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Michael Toney (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, USA)
Symposium Organizers
Barry Rand
Princeton University
Department of Electrical Engineering and Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
Stefan Mannsfeld
Technische Universität Dresden
Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden
Ying Diao
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Stephanie Lee
Stevens Institute of Technology
Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
crystal growth