April 2 - 6, 2018
Phoenix, Arizona
2018 MRS Spring Meeting

Symposium LN02-Artificial Intelligence for Materials Development Forum

Topics will include:

  • Acceleration of research
  • AI perspective on materials research
  • Future of artificial intelligence
  • "Materials Accelerator Project" report of the Clean Energy Materials Innovation Challenge Experts Workshop
  • Report from “Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Applied to Materials Discovery and Design”
  • Scientific Autonomous Reasoning Agent (SARA): Integrating materials theory, experiment and computation

Invited Speakers:

  • Krishna Rajan (University at Buffalo, USA) (University at Buffalo, USA)
  • Alán Aspuru-Guzik (Harvard University, USA)
  • Carla Gomes (Cornell University, USA)
  • Subbarao Kambhampati (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, USA)
  • Patrick Riley (Google Accelerated Science, USA)
  • Juan de Pablo (University of Chicago, USA)

Symposium Organizers

Benji Maruyama
Air Force Research Laboratory

Kristin Persson
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Kristofer Reyes
University at Buffalo, State University of New York

Aleksandra Vojvodic
University of Pennsylvania
