April 2 - 6, 2018
Phoenix, Arizona
2018 MRS Spring Meeting

Symposium EN21-Next-Generation Solid-State Super Ion Conductors

Highly conductive ion “super conducting” materials continue to emerge as vital functional materials, enabling sustainable technologies in fields ranging from energy storage to clean energy generation and chemical separations. In both existing and emerging technologies, development of robust, highly functional solid state ion conductors promises important technical benefits related to enhanced performance, extended material lifetimes, and improved application safety. Advancing the development and widespread implementation of these important materials, however, requires improved understanding of the challenges confronting these materials and community collaboration to overcome these challenges. This multidisciplinary symposium will bring together experts from academia, the national laboratories, and industry to expand our understanding of the principles governing stable solid-state ion conductivity and deepen insights into critical structure/property/processing relationships in these materials.

Emphasizing not only Li-ion conductors, but also Na-ion, multivalent ion, and other alternative ion conducting solids, this symposium will promote both experimental and theory-based discussions around the performance of existing ion-conductors and highlight the discovery of new solid state ion conducting chemistries. Development of ion-conducting materials as ceramics, glasses, thin films, and composites will be discussed. Integrating studies of fundamental transport mechanisms, new synthesis strategies, and advanced characterization techniques, this symposium will explore ion conducting solids across a wide range of length scales (atomic to macroscopic).

Industrial engagement will connect the details of the fundamental materials research to real-world application space. Industrial speakers, organizers, and sponsors will lend relevant focus to technical research discussions and identify important challenges and opportunities for next generation ion conducting materials.

Topics will include:

  • Novel demonstrations of Li-ion, Na-ion, and multi-valent solid-state ion conduction
  • Varied ion conductor composition and structure, including ceramics, glasses, thin films, and composites
  • Advanced characterization of ion conductors
  • Mechanisms of ion conduction
  • Atomistic and continuum-scale modeling of ion conduction
  • Critical structure/properties/processing relationships in ion conductors
  • Current and future ion conductor applications and industry relevance

Invited Speakers:

  • Gerbrand Ceder (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
  • Tim Arthur (Toyota Research Institute North America, USA)
  • Paul Braun (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
  • Candace Chan (Arizona State University, USA)
  • Petra de Jongh (Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • Subramanya Herle (Applied Materials, Inc., USA)
  • Thomas Hinklin (Ceramatec, Inc., USA)
  • Jon Ihlefeld (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
  • Charles Monroe (St. Peter's College, University of Oxford, England)
  • Clive Randall (The Pennsylvania State University, USA)
  • Sandrine Ricote (Colorado School of Mines, USA)
  • Vincent Sprenkle (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA)
  • Hailei Zhao (University of Science and Technology Beijing, China)

Symposium Organizers

Jeff Sakamoto
University of Michigan
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Erik Spoerke
Sandia National Laboratories

Sai Bhavaraju
Ceramatec, Inc.

Kevin Huang
University of South Carolina


ceramic chemical composition energy storage ionic conductor ion-solid interactions microstructure purification simulation