November 25 - 30, 2018
Boston, Massachusetts
2018 MRS Fall Meeting

Symposium EP01-New Materials and Applications of Piezoelectric, Pyroelectric and Ferroelectric Materials

There has been significant recent interest in new emerging materials that are piezoelectric, pyroelectric and ferroelectric. Many of these have other interesting opto-electronic properties as well. Together these enable a broad range of new applications from energy converting roadways and bulk photovoltaic materials to new opto-electronic materials for communications, sensors and actuators. This symposium will focus the basic understanding of mixed phenomenon in these materials, the theoretical prediction and realization of new materials and the incorporation of the new and existing materials in novel devices structures building on the piezoelectric, pyroelectric and ferroelectric character of the materials. There has been an explosion of literature in this area to a large extent because of advance in the understanding of the properties of non-centrosymetric structures and the ability to grow high energy polymorphs with these structures. There is also an increasing emphasis on how polar materials can synergistically affect other functionalities. The symposium will focus on both the prediction and realization of these new materials and their emerging novel applications in opto-electronics, catalysis, data storage, energy conversion and energy storage.

Topics will include:

  • Computational design of new materials
  • Experimental realization of predicted materials including synthesizability
  • Growth of new piezoelectric, pyroelectric and ferroelectric opto-electronic materials
  • New applications of piezoelectric, pyroelectric and ferroelectric materials
  • Characterization of Semiconducting piezoelectric, pyroelectric and ferroelectric materials
  • Bulk Photovoltaic Materials
  • Physics of semiconducting piezoelectric, pyroelectric and ferroelectric materials
  • Non-conventional Applications of Polar Materials

Invited Speakers:

  • Anke Weidenkaff (Fraunhofer IWKS and TU Darmstadt)
  • Andrew Rappe (University of Pennsylvannia, USA)
  • Kristin Persson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
  • Robert Candler (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
  • Thomas Fix (ICUBE/CNRS France, France)
  • Lauren Garten (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA)
  • Sergei Kalinin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
  • Masashi Kawaski (Riken Research Institute, Japan)
  • Wilfrid Prellier (Laboratorie CRISMAT CNRS, France)
  • Sayeef Salahuddin (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
  • Darrell Schlom (Cornell University, USA)
  • Nian Sun (Northwestern University, USA)
  • Susan Troller Mckinstry (The Pennsylvania State University, USA)
  • Aron Walsh (Imperial College London, United Kingdom)

Symposium Organizers

David Ginley
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Materials and Chemical Science and Technology

Shyam Dwaraknath
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Materials Project

Laura Schelhas
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Abdelilah Slaoui
Laboratoire des Sciences de l’ingénieur, de l’Informatique et de l’Imagerie, iCUBE-CNRS


electronic material ferroelectric ferroelectricity oxide photovoltaic piezoelectric piezoresponse polymer semiconducting simulation