March 28 - April 1, 2016
Phoenix, Arizona
2016 MRS Spring Meeting

Symposium EE13-Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology

Fundamental research on actinide chemistry, physics, and materials science is essential to solve existing problems with actinides in the environment, as well as for developing new and advanced applications in the fields of next-generation nuclear energy, nuclear forensics, and medicine. A primary connection between all of these areas is the central role that actinide 5f electrons play in determining the electronic structure, which in turn directly affects the chemical and physical properties of the actinide species under consideration. There continues to be notable progress in understanding the bonding and ensuing chemical behavior of actinide species in complex systems, largely resulting from significant advances in coupling enhanced theoretical and computational methods with advanced experimental measurements. Furthermore, it has been multidisciplinary scientific collaborations that have yielded some of the most important recent progress in understanding these difficult materials, indicating a need for further discussion and interaction between scientists in these fields.

Actinide materials present exciting challenges and promising opportunities well into the future in multiple topical areas spanning several scientific disciplines that will provide the framework for this symposium. Examples of progress range from clean energy generation via nuclear power, to purely understanding the electronic structures of a range of actinide materials that emerge from the complex interplay between electronic and physical structures involving electron correlation and relativistic effects. However, there are many instances in which shortcomings in the knowledge of actinide materials clearly result in undesirable and difficult situations that, from different and equally compelling perspectives, make it imperative to improve both the fundamental and technological understandings of many aspects of these fascinating and yet troublesome materials. This symposium will bring together a diverse set of scientists tackling actinide science to meet the wide array of challenges presented by actinides and the broader realm of f-electron materials, from the most fundamental studies extending to use-inspired applications. An emerging areas session will be held to highlight the newest directions and trends in actinide science.

Topics will include:

  • Covalence and electronic structure in f-electron materials
  • Synthesis of f-electron materials
  • Radiation damage and physical properties
  • Nuclear forensics
  • Theory and computation
  • Plutonium metallurgy
  • Environmental science
  • Lanthanide (4f) chemistry and physics
  • Chemistry, physics, and materials science of actinides especially in emerging areas
  • Materials, physics, and chemistry underpinning advanced nuclear energy
  • Advanced spectroscopies and actinide science at user facilities
  • Electron correlations, heavy-fermions, magnetism, and superconductivity

Invited Speakers:

  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _0 (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _1 (Florida State University, USA)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _2 (Federal Bureau of Investigation, USA)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _3 (ITU-Karlsruhe, Germany)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _4 (Stanford University, USA)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _5 (CEA-Cadarache, France)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _6 (CEA-Saclay, France)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _7 (Tohoku University, Japan)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _8 (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _9 (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _10 (Idaho National Laboratory, USA)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _11 (Gdansk University, Poland)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _12 (University of Hamburg, Germany)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _13 (ITU-Karlsruhe, Germany)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _14 (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _15 (CEA-Valduc, France)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _16 (Institute for High Energy Physics, China)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _17 (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _18 (Soochow University, China)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _19 (University of Michigan, USA)
  • EE13_Actinides—Fundamental Science, Applications and Technology _20 (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)

Symposium Organizers

David Shuh
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Ladia Havela
Charles University
Czech Republic

Alexander Landa
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Daniel Schwartz
Los Alamos National Laboratory


actinide crystal growth electronic structure Lanthanide magnetic properties nuclear materials radiation effects rare-earths